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Schematic Editing

Matti Ruohonen edited this page Dec 10, 2023 · 4 revisions

Edit Schematic mode - replace, add or remove schematic blocks

To start, change to the Edit Schematic mode, by either of the following:

  • Use the button in the bottom left of the Litematica main menu (M)
  • Ctrl + scroll while holding the "tool item". The Edit mode is the last mode (currently 9/9).

When you are finished, change out of the Edit Schematic mode. Otherwise if you try to place or break blocks intersecting the schematic you will just keep editing the schematic instead!

Note: The Edit Schematic mode was previously (and still is in some versions of the mod, for MC 1.17.0 or older) called Schematic Rebuild mode. It was renamed because lots of people used that mode while trying to build ("rebuild?") the schematic in the world.

Saving the edited schematic

When you do any of these schematic edit operations, they only affect the copy of the schematic that is currently loaded to memory. The latest versions of the mod (currently in 1.16.5+ and also in 1.12.2) have an indicator in the Loaded Schematics menu for edited, unsaved schematics.

If you want to keep the changes, then you need to save the schematic again from the Loaded Schematics list, using the Save to file button. Some versions of the mod based on newer development code (as of writing this, only the 1.12.2 LiteLoader version) also give you an option to update the dependent placement(s) to point to the newly saved schematic, when you save an edited schematic to a new file.

It's not recommended override the original file when saving the edited schematic! Some (older) versions of the mod have a bug in the schematic block container handling that can corrupt the edited schematic in certain cases when it's reloaded from file (it depends on the number of unique block states in a given sub-region in the schematic before and after the edit operation).

Getting the correct block state

When you are replacing blocks by right clicking with the new block/item, the block state that will be used depends on where you click in the schematic. The new block will be selected using the same rules as how blocks are placed in vanilla. For example to get a bottom slab, you must click on the bottom half of the side of a block, or on the top surface of a block. To get a top slab or stair, you must click on the top half of the side of the block, or on the bottom surface of the block.

The confusing part may be that instead of placing the block next to what you are clicking on in the schematic, the block will replace that block (and all other identical blocks if you are using the schematicEditReplaceAll hotkey).

It's not possible to get the correct block state of all blocks like this, if the block you get from placing it normally is not the correct state. For example you can't get opened trap doors or any waterlogged blocks or fences with the correct connections etc. like this.

You can use any block state such as waterlogged blocks or open trapdoors by "preparing it in the world" first:

  • First normally place the block in the world in the correct state (with any surrounding blocks etc. if it connects to neighboring blocks).
  • Then use the toolSelectModifierBlock1 + toolSelectElements hotkeys (Alt + middle click using the default hotkey assignments) while looking at that block to "store/remember" that block state in the Edit Schematic mode
  • You can then use an empty main hand in any of the edit operations to use that stored block state
  • The name of the stored block is shown on the tool HUD (in the bottom left corner of the screen by default) when you have an empty main hand and a block stored in the Edit mode

Common operations

Here are some of the most common operations, and how to achieve them.

Change a block type to another block, while keeping any block state properties

  1. Set a hotkey for schematicEditReplaceBlock
  2. Hold that hotkey and right click on one of the blocks you want to replace, while holding the new block in your hand
  3. Note: This hotkey was added a lot later than schematicEditReplaceAll, in one of the mod versions for MC 1.18.0. It's not in older versions of the mod, before the "big rewrite" brings it to older MC versions as well.

Change all identical block states to another block state (a 1:1 block state replacement)

  1. Set a hotkey for schematicEditReplaceAll.
  2. Hold that hotkey and right click on one of the blocks you want to replace, while holding the new block in your hand.
  3. Also see Getting the correct block state below for how to use blocks that you can't directly place in the correct state.

Remove everything except one block from the schematic

  1. Set a hotkey for schematicEditBreakAllExcept.
  2. Hold that hotkey and punch one of the blocks you want to keep in the schematic. All other blocks will get removed.

Add, remove or change individual blocks or blocks in lines/rows

  1. To remove blocks, just punch them out like in creative mode.
  2. To add blocks, just place them against other existing schematic blocks.
  3. To change blocks in continuous lines/rows, set a hotkey for schematicEditReplaceDirection, and then hold that key while right clicking on the old block either holding the new block or with an empty main hand (see Getting the correct block state).
  4. To remove blocks in continuous lines/rows, set a hotkey for schematicEditBreakPlaceDirection, and then hold that key while punching or placing the block.

Remove all identical blocks from the schematic

  1. Set a hotkey for schematicEditBreakPlaceAll.
  2. Hold that hotkey while punching out one of the blocks in the schematic you want to remove all of.

Fill all air spaces in the schematic with a given block

  1. Set a hotkey for schematicEditBreakPlaceAll.
  2. Hold the above hotkey and place the new block against an existing block in the schematic.

About the schematicEdit*Direction hotkeys

The schematicEdit*Direction hotkeys allow you to change blocks in a single block wide column within the schematic. The 5-way overlay is like an arrow indicating in which direction the blocks in the schematic will get affected. The center region "points in" perpendicular to the surface. The operations only happen along that line of blocks for as long as there are identical block states in the schematic.

Other tips

  • You can use the Render Layers to limit the range in which the blocks get added/removed/replaced. Only currently visible blocks are affected.
  • If you make a mistake or want to otherwise revert all the changes to the edited schematic, click the Reload button in the Loaded Schematics list.
  • The schematicEditReplaceAll replacement always uses the exact full block state. If you want to keep the properties and just change the "block type" such as wood type, then use the schematicEditReplaceBlock hotkey.
  • Yes many of the hotkey and config names are stupid, they will be renamed and improved in the mod rewrite/code clean-up...