With this we are presenting an additive sound synthesis Pure Data External. Alongside we provide a fun demonstration of controlling it by using accelerometer and gyroscope data from a smartphone
The repo consist of the external's source code in addition with other needed c files, the pd external binary (MacOS x64) and two sample patches to use it with PdParty
In order to use the addsi~ external from External Binary and Help Patch you either need to have MacOS running on a 64 bit machine, or you build the external yourself using the provided External's Source
addsi~ was created to be used with your smartphone! The setup consists of two Pd patches – one on your computer running the addsi~ external embedded in some control logic, and one on your smartphone sending out gyro and accel data to your computer via OSC.
This is how to get going:
- Download PdParty (iOS) or DroidParty (Android) and read about how they work.
- Get the Composer Pack provided by the PdParty makers. You can get it here. From the pack you need to add the folder /lib/rj to your Pd search path, because we are using a patch from it in our computer setup.
- Now let's get your phone going: Grab addsi~smartphone.pd from Sample Patches and move it to your device running PdParty and start it.
- Tap the two buttons to start sending OSC messages containing accelerometer and gyroscope data. Make sure to set the host IP correctly in Pdparty's OSC settings, to match the IP adress of you computer!
- Let's turn back to your computer: Start the addsi~patch.pd from Sample Patches, turn on the DSP and click the toggle right on top of the patch.
- Have fun playing around!