A simple GunZ: The Duel replay examiner - as it is right now, it scans a directory for GunZ replays containing the specified character.
Warning: the code sucks. I repeat: the code sucks - it was written rather hastily during a solo effort. However, there has been a demand for a working tool like this, and having something available right now is better than nothing - I hope it will prove useful.
Classic approach (from a git repository; requires Rust):
cargo install --git "https://gitgud.io/mataha/gunz-replay"
Alternatively, one can download a binary from here,
then place it somewhere accessible by the PATH
(or even directly
in a replay directory).
gzre <directory> <character>
In its current form, the analyzer scans the specified directory for replays containing the specified character name.
There are a few caveats:
works only with replays up to V5 (mid-ijji)
doesn't support non-ASCII encodings yet (EUC-KR comes to mind)
only players present from the start are taken into account
takes a rather long time to slew through gargantuan collections of replays
doesn't exclude replays in an unviewable state (e.g. when a player has started recording a replay while being alone in a TDM game, or if a replay got desynchronized due to players dying simultaneously)
doesn't take filenames into account - my stance on this is that one should not rely on such a fragile mechanism for file organization; however, you can perform a manual search easily by yourself, e.g. on Windows:
dir /b "<directory>" | find /i "<character>"
Assuming that our collection looks like this:
$ ls -1
'[1v1] AryaVarwin vs. Garamgood.gzr'
'[1v1] Itamz vs. GilGilGil.gzr'
'[1v1] Mataha vs. FireArrowz.gzr'
'[1v1] Screwy vs. Beyondpower.gzr'
'[1v1] toktok vs. mijoma.gzr'
'[CW] Aplus vs. Dowon.gzr'
'[CW] Arashi vs. Magicians.gzr'
'[CW] Curse vs. Flower.gzr'
'[CW] Icon vs. Strike.gzr'
'Empty replay.gzr'
An invocation of the program will produce the following output:
$ gzre . "toktok" # search in the current directory
Path: .
Replays featuring toktok:
"./[1v1] toktok vs. mijoma.gzr"
"./[CW] Curse vs. Flower.gzr"
2 matches found, 9 valid replays scanned.