The repository contains solutions to problems posted on Each exercise is provided with example dataset.
Scripts were written in Python 3.7.
In order to run a script pass a path to corresponding dataset as an argument.
ID | Title |
DNA | Counting DNA Nucleotides |
RNA | Transcribing DNA into RNA |
REVC | Complementing a Strand of DNA |
GC | Computing GC Content |
HAMM | Counting Point Mutations |
PROT | Translating RNA into Protein |
SUBS | Finding a Motif in DNA |
ORF | Open Reading Frames |
PERM | Enumerating Gene Orders |
PRTM | Calculating Protein Mass |
FIB | Rabbits and Recurrence Relations |
CONS | Consensus and Profile |
ID | Title |
FIBO | Fibonacci Numbers |
INS | Insertion Sort |
MER | Merge Two Sorted Arrays |
BINS | Binary Search |
MS | Merge Sort |
MAJ | Majority Element |
HEA | Building a Heap |
HS | Heap Sort |
INV | Counting Inversions |
2SUM | 2SUM |
3SUM | 3SUM |
ID | Title |
INI | Introduction to the Bioinformatics Armory |
ID | Title |
INI1 | Installing Python |
INI2 | Variables and Some Arithmetic |
INI3 | Strings and Lists |
INI4 | Conditions and Loops |
INI5 | Working with Files |
INI6 | Dictionaries |