This project implements the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern using Clean Architecture principles. CQRS improves scalability and performance by separating read and write operations, while Clean Architecture promotes modularity, maintainability, and testability by organizing code into distinct layers.
- Contains domain-specific entities (e.g., Order, Product) and defines domain logic.
- Represents core concepts of the problem domain (e.g., order processing, product management).
public class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
public string? Name { get; set; }
public double Price { get; set; }
public void UpdatePrice(double price)
this.Price = price;
Updateprice is domain logic
- Executes application-specific logic and rules related to domain entities. Handles incoming requests (e.g., create order, get product details) and orchestrates interactions between layers.
public class AddProductHandler : IRequestHandler<AddProductCommand, ProductResponseModel>
private readonly IProductDatabase _productDatabase;
public AddProductHandler(IProductDatabase productDatabase)
this._productDatabase = productDatabase;
public async Task<ProductResponseModel> Handle(AddProductCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var product = await _productDatabase.AddProduct(request.Name, request.Price);
return new ProductResponseModel { Name = product.Name, Price = product.Price };
Addproduct is domain logic
- Persists data into a database (e.g., SQL Server, MongoDB) using appropriate data access methods.
- Exposes endpoints for external interaction (e.g., REST API) to receive commands and queries.
- The UI for adding and getting products is built in razor pages using ASP.NET Web API
- Only authenticated users can able to access or add product
- Cookie will have claim and identity about the user