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Releases: mathertel/LiquidCrystal_PCF8574

Version 2.2.0

03 Apr 16:30
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Default i2c address == 0x27.

Enable custom I2C interfaces

21 Aug 19:54
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What's Changed

Enables using a non-default i2c / TwoWire port for boards that support multiple ports.

Added example LCD_Burnin.ino showing how to transfer a 20 char and 4 lines buffer to a device all at once.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.0.0...2.1.0

Quality Updates

12 Jun 17:38
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What's Changed

  • Category of this library is "Display"
  • Add LCD API command() function
  • Add a PROGMEM variant createCharPgm()
  • Add user defined character in example
  • Allow arbitrary pin assignments for variations of PCF8574 to LCD wirings.
  • Use unsigned 8bit instead of signed 16bit integers
  • Speed up transfers
  • GitHub quality checks using GitHub Actions for various processors

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.3.0...2.0.0

fixes and improvements

17 Jan 22:09
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fixes and improvements

re-implement and improvements

06 Jun 19:27
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now works with AVR and ESP8266 boards

Initial stable version.

19 Sep 13:07
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Test Script added.