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mathiasrw committed Aug 1, 2023
1 parent 8806940 commit ed7a2ef
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Showing 7 changed files with 4,888 additions and 2 deletions.
298 changes: 298 additions & 0 deletions bin/ES6/cli.js
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@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
// CLI interface for rexreplace
import * as rexreplace from './engine';
let pattern, replacement;
// To avoid problems with patterns or replacements starting with '-' the two first arguments can not contain flags and are removed before yargs does it magic - but we still need to handle -version and -help
let needHelp = 0;
if (process.argv.length < 4) {
if (/-v|--?version$/i.test(process.argv[process.argv.length - 1])) {
process.exitCode = 0;
else if (/-h|--?help$/i.test(process.argv[process.argv.length - 1])) {
needHelp = 1;
else {
needHelp = 2;
else {
[pattern, replacement] = process.argv.splice(2, 2);
const yargs = require('yargs')
.usage('RexReplace ' +
rexreplace.version +
': Regexp search and replace for files using lookahead and backreference to matching groups in the replacement. Defaults to global multiline case-insensitive search.\n\n' +
'> rexreplace pattern replacement [fileGlob|option]+')
.example(`> rexreplace 'Foo' 'xxx'`, `'foobar' in will become 'xxxbar'`)
.example(`> rr xxx Foo`, `The alias 'rr' can be used instead of 'rexreplace'`)
.example(`> rexreplace '(f?(o))o(.*)' '$3$1€2'`, `'foobar' in will become 'barfoo'`)
.example(`> rexreplace '^#' '##' *.md`, `All markdown files in this dir got all headlines moved one level deeper`)
.example(`> rexreplace 'a' 'b' '' 'src/**/*.*' `, `Provide multiple files or glob if needed`)
.version('v', 'Print rexreplace version (can be given as only argument)', rexreplace.version)
.alias('v', 'version')
.describe('V', 'More chatty output')
.alias('V', 'verbose')
//.conflicts('V', 'q')
//.conflicts('V', 'Q')
.describe('L', 'Literal string search (no regex used when searching)')
.alias('L', 'literal')
.describe('I', 'Void case insensitive search pattern.')
.alias('I', 'void-ignore-case')
.describe('G', 'Void global search (stop looking after the first match).')
.alias('G', 'void-global')
.describe('s', 'Have `.` also match newline.')
.alias('s', 'dot-all')
.describe('M', 'Void multiline search pattern. Makes ^ and $ match start/end of whole content rather than each line.')
.alias('M', 'void-multiline')
.describe('u', 'Treat pattern as a sequence of unicode code points.')
.alias('u', 'unicode')
.default('e', 'utf8')
.alias('e', 'encoding')
.describe('e', 'Encoding of files/piped data.')
.alias('E', 'engine')
.describe('E', 'What regex engine to use:')
.choices('E', ['V8' /*'RE2' /*'sd', 'stream'*/])
.default('E', 'V8')
.describe('q', 'Only display errors (no other info)')
.alias('q', 'quiet')
.describe('Q', 'Never display errors or info')
.alias('Q', 'quiet-total')
.describe('H', 'Halt on first error')
.alias('H', 'halt')
.default('H', false)
.describe('d', 'Print debug info')
.alias('d', 'debug')
.describe('€', "Void having '€' as alias for '$' in pattern and replacement parameters")
.alias('€', 'void-euro')
.describe('§', "Void having '§' as alias for '\\' in pattern and replacement parameters")
.alias('§', 'void-section')
.describe('o', 'Output the final result instead of saving to file. Will also output content even if no replacement has taken place.')
.alias('o', 'output')
.alias('A', 'void-async')
.describe('A', `Handle files in a synchronous flow. Good to limit memory usage when handling large files. ` +
.describe('B', 'Avoid temporary backing up file. Works async (independent of -A flag) and will speed up things but at one point data lives only in memory, and you might lose data if the process is halted.')
.alias('B', 'void-backup')
.describe('b', 'Keep a backup file of the original content.')
.alias('b', 'keep-backup')
.describe('m', `Output each match on a new line. ` +
`Will not replace any content but you still need to provide a dummy value (like \`_\`) as replacement parameter. ` +
`If search pattern does not contain matching groups the full match will be outputted. ` +
`If search pattern _does_ contain matching groups only matching groups will be outputted (same line with no delimiter). ` +
.alias('m', 'output-match')
.alias('T', 'trim-pipe')
.describe('T', `Trim piped data before processing. ` +
`If piped data only consists of chars that can be trimmed (new line, space, tabs...) it will become an empty string. ` +
.alias('R', 'replacement-pipe')
.describe('R', `Replacement will be piped in. You still need to provide a dummy value (like \`_\`) as replacement parameter.` +
.describe('x', 'Exclude files with a path that matches this regular expression. Will follow same regex flags and setup as the main search. Can be used multiple times.')
.alias('x', 'exclude-re')
.describe('X', 'Exclude files found with this glob. Can be used multiple times.')
.alias('X', 'exclude-glob')
-T (Expect no match in any file and return exit 1 if found)
-t (Expect a match in each file and return exit 1 if not found)
.alias('N', 'void-newline')
`Avoid having newline when outputting data (or when piping). `+
`Normally . `+
.describe('p', "Pattern is the path to a filename containing the pattern. If more than one line is found in the file the pattern will be defined by each line trimmed and having newlines removed followed by other all rules (like -€).)")
.alias('p', 'pattern-file')
.alias('R', 'replacement-file')
`Replacement is the path to a filename containing the replacement`.`Will be followed by other all rules (like -€)`
.describe('n', "Do replacement on file path+name instead of file content (rename/move the files)")
.alias('n', 'name')
.describe('M', "Maximum length of match. Set this value only if any single file of your ")
.alias('M', 'max-match-len')
.default('M', false)
.describe('G', "filename/globas are filename(s) for files containing one filename/globs on each line to be search/replaced")
.alias('G', 'globs-file')
.describe('g', "filename/globs will be piped in. If any filename/globs are given in command the piped data will be prepened")
.alias('g', 'glob-pipe')
.describe('J', "Pattern is javascript source that will return a string giving the pattern to use")
.alias('J', 'pattern-js')
.describe('glob-js', "filename/globs are javascript source that will return a string with newline seperating each glob to work on")
.alias('j', 'replacement-js')
.describe('j', `Treat replacement as javascript source code.
The statement from the last expression will become the replacement string.
Purposefully implemented the most insecure way possible to remove _any_ incentive to consider running code from an untrusted part.
The full match will be available as a javascript variable named $0 while each captured group will be available as $1, $2, $3, ... and so on.
At some point, the $ char _will_ give you a headache when used from the command line, so use €0, €1, €2, €3... instead.
If the javascript source code references to the full match or a captured group the code will run once per match. Otherwise, it will run once per file.
The code has access to the following variables:
\`r\` as an alias for \`require\` with both expanded to understand a relative path even if it is not starting with \`./\`,
\`fs\` from node,
\`path\` from node,
\`globs\` from npm,
\`pipe\`: the data piped into the command (null if no piped data),
\`find\`: pattern searched for (the needle),
\`text\`: full text being searched i.e. file content or piped data (the haystack),
\`bytes\`: total size of the haystack in bytes,
\`size\`: human-friendly representation of the total size of the haystack,
\`time\`: String representing the local time when the command was invoked,
\`time_obj\`: date object representing \`time\`,
\`now\`: alias for \`time\`,
\`cwd\`: current process working dir,
\`nl\`: a new-line char,
\`_\`: a single space char (for easy string concatenation).
The following values defaults to \`❌\` if haystack does not originate from a file:
\`file\`: contains the full path of the active file being searched (including full filename),
\`file_rel\`: contains \`file\` relative to current process working dir,
\`dirpath\`: contains the full path without filename of the active file being searched,
\`dirpath_rel\`: contains \`dirpath\` relative to current process working dir,
\`filename\`: is the full filename of the active file being searched without path,
\`name\`: filename of the active file being searched with no extension,
\`ext\`: extension of the filename including leading dot,
\`mtime\`: ISO inspired representation of the last local modification time of the current file,
\`ctime\`: ISO representation of the local creation time of the current file.
\`mtime_obj\`: date object representing \`mtime\`,
\`ctime_obj\`: date object representing \`ctime\`.
All variables, except from module, date objects, \`nl\` and \`_\`, has a corresponding variable name followed by \`_\` where the content has an extra space at the end (for easy concatenation).
.describe('h', 'Display help.')
.alias('h', 'help')
.epilog(`Inspiration: .oO(What should 'sed' have been by now?)`);
function backOut(exitcode = 1) {
const help = yargs.showHelp();
const io = exitcode ? console.error : console.log;
process.exitCode = exitcode;
function unescapeString(str = '') {
return new Function(`return '${str.replace(/'/g, "\\'")}'`)();
(function () {
if (0 < needHelp) {
return backOut(needHelp - 1);
// All options into one big config object for the rexreplace core
let config = {};
// Use only camelCase full lenght version of settings so we make sure the core can be documented propperly
Object.keys(yargs.argv).forEach((key) => {
if (1 < key.length && key.indexOf('-') < 0) {
config[key] = yargs.argv[key];
let pipeInUse = false;
let pipeData = '';
config.pipedData = null;
config.showHelp = yargs.showHelp;
config.pattern = pattern;
config.includeGlob = yargs.argv._;
config.excludeGlob = [...yargs.argv.excludeGlob].filter(Boolean);
config.excludeRe = [...yargs.argv.excludeRe].filter(Boolean);
if (config.replacementJs) {
config.replacement = replacement;
else {
config.replacement = unescapeString(replacement);
config.output = true;
if (Boolean(process.stdin.isTTY)) {
if (config.replacementPipe) {
return backOut();
else {
process.stdin.on('readable', () => {
let chunk =;
if (null !== chunk) {
pipeInUse = true;
pipeData += chunk;
while ((chunk = {
pipeData += chunk;
process.stdin.on('end', () => {
if (pipeInUse) {
if (yargs.argv.trimPipe) {
pipeData = pipeData.trim();
config.pipedData = pipeData;

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