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🤸 rezervo-web


Web client for rezervo, including booking schedules and user preferences.

🧑‍💻 Development

🧑‍🔧 Setup

  1. Install dependencies using Yarn

    yarn install
  2. Define your own .env.local from .env.local.example

    cp .env.local.example .env.local

    If you want on-demand revalidation, make sure to define REVALIDATION_SECRET_TOKEN in .env.local

  3. Setup and start the rezervo backend

🧶 Run with Yarn

yarn dev

# or

yarn prod

🐋 Run with Docker

  1. Make sure you have defined .env.local as described above
  2. With docker and docker compose installed, run
    docker compose -f up -d --build

🧹 Code style, lint and type checking

yarn check

# automatic fixes
yarn fix