This is a small compendium of javascript 3D animations that allows the user to perform mechanics experiments with bodies and systems.
In the /doc folder you can find the mathematical model for each system.
This equations are solved using simple numerical methods as Euler or RK4 integrators. For each simulation, there is a dynamic()
class that contains the mechanical model.
// Spring-mass system model - iteration step
this.step = function(){
// Forces acting on the body
var spring_force = -this.k * this.x;
var friction_force = -this.b this.v;
var external_force = this.F * Math.cos(this.w * this.t);
// Update acceleration
this.a = (spring_force + friction_force + external_force) / this.m;
// Update velocity
this.v += this.a * this.dt;
// Update position
this.x += this.v * this.dt;
// Update time
this.t += this.dt;
The experiment library is available online on this site.
This is a small part of a bigger project that was developed in the context of an internship carried out in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computers, at National University of the South.