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service-framework is a Helm chart of extensible kubernetes resources with common metadata format that are enabled and customized by the values passed into the service-framework Helm .Values dictionary. The kubernetes resources currently created by service-framework based on values are

service-framework is meant to be used as a "helper" chart brought in through a "parent" chart's requirements.yaml file - typically using alias like this:

- name: service-framework
  alias: serviceFramework
  version: 1.0.4
  repository: *TBD REPLACE THIS*

The service-framework Values are documented below. The parent chart can pass values to service-framework be declaring values namespaced with serviceFramework. For example:

  nameOverride: some-chart # this is typically the partent chart name as defined in its Chart.yaml
  profile: none
      enabled: Values.nginx.enabled # if a path in dictionary, do not start with leading '.'

  enabled: true
  foo: bar

A powerful aspect of the service-framework is its ability to be customized by defining global maps. These global maps can define configuration based on values set into the serviceFramework dictionary such as serviceFramework.nameOverride or serviceFramework.profile.

Note, since service-framework was created to support clusters hosted in AWS it has a few AWS-specific functionalities that should not cause a problem in non AWS environments.

service-framework Values

.Values.commonEnv: array

.Values.commonEnv: is an array that each deployment.container or job.container may request be added to its .env: array definition. commonEnv: array items may include service-framework custom items. For more information, please refer to the container.env array definition. and .Values.deployments: maps is a map that defines kubernetes Job resources; and .Values.deployments: is a map that defines kubernetes Deployment and Service resources. If these maps are not in the dictionary, service-framework will render no resources.

ability to disable

It is possible to explicitly enable/disable the resources depending on the following .enabled attribute on the following map items:

deployment or job .enabled kubernetes Deployment or Job rendered
not defined yes
false no yes iff is defined and not false
any other value yes
deployment.service .enabled kubernetes Service rendered
parent deployment is disabled no
not defined no
false no
any other value yes
deployment.service.ingress .enabled kubernetes Service rendered
parent deployment is disabled no
parent service is disabled no
not defined no
false no
any other value yes

common map attributes

attribute optional default kubernetes Job or Deployment resource result
map name n used as part of as described below (more below here - tbd, make link )
.nameOverride n set to this value, also used as part of as described below
.releaseType y "release" used as part of as described below
above three set to .nameOverride-{ map name }-.releaseType
.assumedIamRole y added with this value
.imagePullSecrets y if defined, these array elements are added to spec.template.spec.imagePullSecrets: (see also global.imagePullSecrets)
.automountServiceAccountToken y false spec.template.spec.automountServiceAccountToken set to this value
.volumes: y array of optional spec.template.spec.volumes items (more below in volumes map)
.defaultImage: y see image map
.containers.image: y see image map
above two one of the above two must be defined
.commonContainers: y map of commonContainers to include with containers: map (below). each map item customize its matching commonContainer
.containers: n array of spec.template.spec.containers items (more below containers map)

volumes map

Each job or deployment .volumes: array item results in a array entry in the corresponding kubernetes Job or Deployment spec.template.spec.volumes map.

attribute optional default kubernetes Job or Deployment volumes array result
.name y volume .name: value
.configMap y volume .configMap: value
.secret y volume .secret: value
.persistentVolumeClaim y volume .persistentVolumeClaim: value
.releaseRevisionConfigMap y volume is a configMap volume where CM name is constructed to include the Helm release revision like this
releaseRevisionConfigMap rendered
  - name: {{ .releaseRevisionConfigMap }}
      name: {{ .Values.nameOverride }}-{{ .releaseRevisionConfigMap }}-{{ .Values.releaseType }}-{{ .Release.Revision }}

defaultImage or container.image map

attribute optional default kubernetes Job or Deployment .containers: array result
.repository n used as part of container .image: value as described below
.tag n used as part of container .image: value as described below
above two container .image: set to {{ .repository }}:{{ .tag }}
.pullPolicy n container .imagePullPolicy: value

commonContainers map

Each jobs: or deployments:* map item may add and specialize "common containers" to its containers map by defining a commonContainers: map

attribute optional default kubernetes Job or Deployment .containers: array result
map name n the name of the commonContainers that should be included
.enabled: y false whether this commonContainer should be included in this Job or Deployment's containers: array
.env: y map of env array name / value items to override or add to this container
others... y see containers map for other valid attributes

containers map

Each job or deployment .containers: map item results in a array entry in the corresponding kubernetes Job or Deployment spec.template.spec.containers map.

attribute optional default kubernetes Job or Deployment .containers: array result
map name n container .name: value
.image: y see image map
.livenessProbe: y if defined, .livenessProbe: is set to this map's value
.readinessProbe: y if defined, .readinessProbe: is set to this map's value
.lifecycle: y if defined, .lifecycle: is set to this value
.ports: y if defined, .ports: is set to matching values (see ports array)
.workingDir y specified by image: if defined, .workingDir: is set to this value
.command y specified by image: if defined, .command: is set to this value
.arg y .args: is set to value `["-x", {{ $arg
.carg y .args: is set to value `["-c", {{ $carg
.args: y same as .arg above, but specified .args: is assumed to be an array
.volumeMounts: y if defined, .volumeMounts: is set to this value after .volumeMounts.fromTemplate processed (see volumeMounts array)
.resources: y if defined, .resources: is set to this map's value
.includeCommonEnv y if true, add .Values.commonEnv: items to container.env: array
.env: y

REVISIT: i believe both job.container and deployment.container may have initJobs: array... REMOVE THIS???

container.ports array
attribute optional default kubernetes Job or Deployment .conatiners.ports: array result
.name y port .name: value
.containerPort n port .name: value
.bindToService y if defined and not "false" this deployment's kubernetes Service sets a ports: port.targetPort to this port
container.volumeMounts array
attribute optional default kubernetes Job or Deployment .conatiners.volumeMounts: array result
.name n volumeMount .name: value
.scriptVolume y set name to helm-scripts-volume - REVISIT: get rid of this?????
.mountPath n volumeMount .mountPath: value
.readOnly y volumeMount .readOnly: value
.fromTemplate y if specified, include this template name via templating: `{{ include $fromTemplate $
container.env: array
array item optional default kubernetes Job or Deployment .conatiners.env: array result
- fromTemplate y if specified, include this template name via templating: `{{ include $fromTemplate $
- name y env array item -name: value
- name requires one of following 4 attributes
value n env array item value: value
valueFrom: n env array item valueFrom: map value (from Secret or ConfigMap)
templateGetValue n env array item value: is set to the value specified by templateGetValue
e.g., templateGetValue: Values.some.value results in value: {{ .Values.some.value }}
valueFromRevision: n map to define an env var from a ConfigMap or Secret where its name has .Release.Revision added. more info
container.env .valueFromRevision map

service-framework container.env: item .valueFromRevision: is a map that defines the creation of an environment variable whose value comes from a ConfigMap or Secret where "-{{ .Release.Revision }}" is appended to the specified name.

attribute optional default kubernetes Job or Deployment .conatiners.env: array item value: map
.configMapKeyRef: y map that defines creating an env variable value from a ConfigMap n -name: is set to {{ $ }}-{{ .Release.Revision }}
.configMapKeyRef.key: n key: is set to this value
.secretKeyRef: y map that defines creating an env variable value from a Secret n -name: is set to {{ $ }}-{{ .Release.Revision }}
.secretKeyRef.key: n key: is set to this value

jobs map item specific attributes

attribute optional default kubernetes Job resource result
.annotations: y map of attributes that will be added to Job's metadata.annotaions:
.restartPolicy: y OnFailure spec.template.spec.restartPolicy:

deployments map item specific attributes

attribute optional default kubernetes Deployment resource result
.nameOverride n set to this value
.annotations: n map of annotations that will be added to Deployment's spec.template.metadata.annotations:
.service: y map to render a Service associated with this Deployment (more below in services map)
.service.selector: y map of key-value pairs that are added to this Deployment's spec.template.metadata.labels: and to the
.labels: y map of key-value pairs that are added to this Deployment's spec.template.metadata.labels:
.replicaCount: y spec.template.spec.replicaCount: set to this value
.ports.protocol y TCP resulting port array entry set to this value (see ports array)
.volumes.releaseRevisionConfigMap y special volume type for Deployment that means to create a volume with given-name from a ConfigMap with name {{ ..nameOverride }}-given-name-{{ .serviceFramework.releaseType }}-{{ .Release.Revision }}
.commonContainers: y map of commonContainers to include in the .containers: map if each commonContainer has a matching map entry (see more below commonContainers)

deployment.service map

Each service-framework deployments: map entry can specify a kubernetes Service should also be created. This Deployment's containers may associate themselves with this Service using .bindToService in their ports array. When a container sets .bindToService, this Service has a spec.ports: array entry corresponding to that container port. Remember, defined service can be disabled.

attribute optional default kubernetes Service resource result y .nameOverride
.nameOverride n app: {{ .nameOverride }} added to spec.selector:
.service.annotations: y array of entries added to metadata.annotations:
.service.type n spec.type - if LoadBalancer the following metadata.annotations: are also added
.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges: y array of entries added to spec.loadBalancerSourceRanges:
.service.sessionAffinity y spec.sessionAffinity:
.service.selector: y map of key-value pairs that are added to spec.selector:
.service.port y spec.ports: .port: value if container port.bindToService
.service.protocol y TCP spec.ports: .protocol: value if container port.bindToService

service LoadBalancer annotations

If deployment.service.type = LoadBalancer annotations are added based on the map entries of and where each map is indexed using the current .Values.profile value. See global map documentation. Hostname is looked up using the following logic:

  hostnameMap := index .Values.profile
  if and hostnameMap.profileOverrides (index hostnameMap.profileOverrides .Values.profile)
    hostname = index hostnameMap.profileOverrides .Values.profile
    hostname =

  profileMap := index .Values.profile
  if eq profileMap.profiledHostnames "append"
    hostname = hostname{{ }}{{ .Values.profile }}
  else if eq profileMap.profiledHostnames "prepend"
    hostname = {{ .Values.profile }}{{ }}hostname
  if eq profileMap.namespacedHostnames "append"
    hostname = hostname{{ }}{{ .Release.Namespace }}
  else if eq profileMap.namespacedHostnames "prepend"
    hostname = {{ .Release.Namespace }}{{ }}hostname
metadata.annotations: item value hostname.{{ index (index .Values.profiles .Values.profile) "loadbalancerDomain" }} {{ index (index .Values.profile) "sslIAM" }} "http" "443"

deployment.service.ingress map

Each deployment.service map can add a .ingress: map which creates a kubernetes Ingress that is associated to its parent deployment.service. Remember, defined ingress can be disabled.

attribute optional default kubernetes Ingress resource result
.ingress.tlsEnabled y false if true, add spec.tls: rule with host set to public name of parent Service
.ingress.annotations: y array of entries added to metadata.annotations:
parent item's .serviceName set to this value
parent .service.port item's .servicePort set to this value

Resulting Deployment and Job resources


Deployment resource attribute condition value
.metadata.labels.chart `{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version
.metadata.labels.release .Release.Name
.metadata.labels.heritage .Release.Service
.metadata.labels. .service.selector: defined and service enabled .service.selector: entries
.spec.strategy.type RollingUpdate
.spec.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable 0
.spec.template.spec.affinity: if .affinity.fromTemplate defined include .affinity.fromTemplate define name
.spec.template.spec.affinity: if .affinity defined .affinity: value
.spec.template.spec.affinity: otherwise .affinity: set to default podAntiAffinity
.spec.template.spec.automountServiceAccountToken: if .automountServiceAccountToken set .automountServiceAccountToken: value
.spec.template.spec.automountServiceAccountToken: otherwise false
.spec.template.spec.serviceAccountName: .automountServiceAccountToken set and .global.rbac true { .nameOverride }-write-secrets-and-configmaps
.spec.template.spec.imagePullSecrets: if include yaml contents
.spec.template.spec.imagePullSecrets: if deployment .imagePullSecrets include yaml contents

default podAntiAffinity

Each rendered Deployment will get the following default podAntiAffinity resource:

  - weight: 100
        - key: deploymentName
          operator: In
          values: {{ .nameOverride }}-{{ deployment name }}-{{ .releaseType }}
      topologyKey: ""
  - weight: 90
        - key: deploymentName
          operator: In
          - "{{ .nameOverride }}-{{ deployment name }}-{{ .releaseType }}"
      topologyKey: ""


Job resource attribute value
.metadata.labels.chart `{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version
.metadata.labels.release .Release.Name
.metadata.labels.heritage .Release.Service

note: more to go. only at line 28.

To simplify re-using a Helm chart in different "profiles" (or "environments" - like "qa" or "prod), the chart's directory structure can be supplemented with a concept of profile-specific overrides like the following:

todo diagrams: directories something like below

your-chart/Chart.yaml               your-chart/Chart.yaml
          /values.yaml                        /values.yaml
          /templates/*.yaml                   /templates/*.yaml

helm install your-chart             helm install your-chart -f your-chart/profiles/profile-a/values.yaml

service framework global values

The service-framework uses global maps to customize rendered templates based on .Values.profile and .Values.nameOverride, which all parent charts must define to use service-framework as a requirement.

service-framework values:

.Values optional description
.profile n Name of the "current profile". A map of the same name must be defined which specifies which profile-specific map to use for rendering. The recommended pattern is to have profile in the base values.yaml have value of "none" or "base" - and to override .Values.profile in each profile-specific directory with that directory name.
.nameOverride n Name of each "parent chart". This name must be unique. A map of the same name must be defined which specifies information used to generate the hostname for this parent chart. This hostname-generation may also be customized by .Values.profile


The service-framework was created to simplify and commonize supporting a collection of related Helm charts that follow such a "profile" model. Remember, the current profile is set by each parent chart at .Values.profile. is a map of global profile information.

.Values.profiles. optional description
hostnameSeparator y string to use to separate base hostname from namespace or profile, if enabled by the current profile
namespaceSeparator y string to use to separate base namespace from profile, if enabled by the current profile and profile-specific information
profilename: y map of profile-specific attributes for profile "profilename" is a map of profile-specific information. E.g., .Value.profile = prod selects the profile defined in the following map: optional description
publicDomain n domain of public Ingress
loadbalancerDomain y for Services of type LoadBalancer, use this for its domain. (in that case, required)
sslIAM y for Services of type LoadBalancer, use this for its ssl-cert. (in that case, required)
namespaceHostnames y prepend or append the Helm .Release.Namespace to base hostname (from hostnames map)
profileHostnames y prepend or append .Values.profile to base hostname (from hostnames map)
profileNamespaces y prepend or append .Values.profile to namespace (from namespaces map)

hostnames is a map of hostname information for each supported parent chart .Values.nameOverride value. E.g., for .Values.nameOverride = someService optional description
name n base hostname for this nameOverride
envVar y whether an env var containing the fqdn of this hostname should be added to all containers. env var names are GLOBAL_FQDN_{{ $nameOverride
profileOverrides: y map of profileHostname and namespaceHostname overrides for this hostname, and optionally profile-specific name overrides
profileOverrides.profilename y when {{ eq .Values.profile "profilename" }}, use this value to override the base hostname name (above)
profileOverrides.disableProfileHostnames y whether to disable the{{ .Values.profile }}.profileHostnames
profileOverrides.disableNamespaceHostnames y whether to disable the{{ .Values.profile }}.namespaceHostnames

namespaces map - TBD

standardServicePurt is a port number that will be used by Service spec.ports.port numbers if deployment.service.ports.port is not specified.

imagePullSecrets is an optional array of imagePullSecrets that will be added to every Deployment or Job's spec.template.spec.imagePullSecrets.

global commonContainers map is a map of container definitions that may be included by Deployments or Jobs.

Also, describe




ServiceAccount, Role, RoleBinding



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