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Calendar Widgets

License: MIT Current bundle size: 9.29 kB

Craft beautifully robust date components in React.

Getting Started

To begin, you'll want to add the calendar-widgets package to a new or existing React project.

# npm
npm install calendar-widgets

# yarn
yarn add calendar-widgets

# pnpm
pnpm add calendar-widgets


To help you get started, take a look at this simple implementation of a Calendar. Here we're overriding the default component used to display a particular date with our custom variation.

We're also passing an array of custom dates. When the custom date's date aligns with the date in our CustomDay component, we'll have access to that custom date.

import React from 'react';
import { Calendar } from 'calendar-widgets';
import 'calendar-widgets/styles/Calendar-grid.css';

/* defining an optional custom day component */
const CustomDay = ({date, customDate}) => (
    {customDate?.name && <small>{customDate?.name}</small>}

const App = () => {
  return (
          name: 'Lisa\'s Birthday',
          date: new Date(2023, 4, 10)
        // ...

Contributing / Bug Reports

We'd be appreciative of bug reports/ fixes, and would gladly accept new proposals.

If you'd like to contribute to an existing issue, kindly communicate through the designated ticket to avoid overlapping efforts. Check out the Open Issues and our Contributing Guide for more information.

This project requires Node.js and pnpm to be installed. If needed, you can install them from Node.js website and pnpm website.

Contributors Setup

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine, or open a new Code Space
  3. Checkout to a clean branch. e.g git checkout feature/addSomeCode (Please be more descriptive)
  4. Install the dependencies via pnpm install
  5. You're all set up. Run pnpm run build to run the production build and ensure everything is working. If not, please open an issue in 🙂


  • pnpm run build Run the build that we push to NPM
  • pnpm run dev Run the dev build that does not minify the code
  • pnpm run storybook Run Storybook for local development
  • pnpm run lint Run ESLint to catch errors
  • pnpm run lint:fix Run ESLint to catch auto-fix errors