Interests include business analytics, data science, and software engineering, in no particular order. Currently seeking employment in one of those fields.
Past work includes cybersecurity data analytics with Microsoft Power BI, TensorFlow, and PyTorch. Also have worked with Keras and Scikit-learn in Python for deep learning algorithms and tools.
One of my current projects that I am working on: NBA Stats Lookup, a web application that navigates NBA players' statistics using NBA Stats.
Please also check out Grocery Price Analysis, a walkthrough of exploratory data analysis and linear regression modeling on average prices of groceries over the last 25 years.
Hoping to build connections in the data science and big data analytics communities.
Links to:
Graduate of University of San Francisco with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and a minor in Computer Science. Graduate of Golden Gate University with an Master of Science degree in Business Analytics. Completed the Google Cybersecurity Certificate program through Coursera in April 2024.
Pursuing a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Colorado Boulder.
Hope you enjoy and follow along; always willing to learn and collaborate!