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Library that allows using material stepper on an Android application.

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Neat Android Stepper


A Library that allows you to implement android stepper in your application.
Steppers are used to display progress of logically separated sections normally referred to as steps. This library was inspired by stepstone-tech Android Material Stepper Library

Code & features mentioned in Getting started are showcased in the sample app.

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Supported features

NeatStepper with dots and progress bar


NeatStepper without a progress indicator

  • Customize labels for bottom navigation buttons
  • Change drawable/images for the complete and exit buttons
  • Change color for the toolbar and bottom navigation colors
  • Change the drawables for the next and previous buttons
  • Customize the above settings for individual steps
  • Switch between dotted_indicator (Recommended for fewer fragments) and progress bar indicator (Supports many fragments)
  • Customize the color for the progress indicator indicator
  • Show or hide toolbar/bottom navigation

Getting started

Download (From JCenter)

Add the library as a dependency to your app build.gradle file

dependencies {
	implementation "com.nerdstone:neat-android-stepper:1.0.6"


Download (From GitHub Packages)

This library is available as a git package Neat Stepper Packages. At the moment GitHub requires you to authenticate to download Android Libraries hosted on GitHub packages. To do so you will need your personal access token and your GitHub username. Follow these steps to add the library as a dependency to your app.

Step 1 : Generate a Personal Access Token for GitHub How to generate GitHub personal access token

Step 2 : Store your GitHub — Personal Access Token details

Add these content to the file inside the root directory of your project. .


Step 3 : Update build.gradle for the application module

//For publishing dependency to GitHub package
def githubProperties = new Properties()
//Read the github properties content
githubProperties.load(new FileInputStream(rootProject.file("")))

android {
     // include inside the android closure
    repositories {  
      maven {  
              name = "GitHubPackages"  
             * Configure path of the package repository on Github using the GITHUB_USER_ID and * Git Repository */  
              url = uri("")  
              credentials {  
                  /** get credentials from in root project folder file with  
                 ** gpr.usr=GITHUB_USER_ID & gpr.key=PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN otherwise ** Set env variable GPR_USER & GPR_API_KEY**/  
                  username = githubProperties['gpr.usr'] ?: System.getenv("GPR_USER")  
                  password = githubProperties['gpr.key'] ?: System.getenv("GPR_API_KEY")  

Add the library in the dependency section of your application's build.gradle file. Update the version accordingly

dependencies {
	//consume library - use the latest version available on github packages
	implementation "com.nerdstone:neat-android-stepper:1.0.6"


Create layout in XML

The layout can only be used as a rootview and should not be nested inside other views.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<com.nerdstone.neatandroidstepper.core.widget.NeatStepperLayout xmlns:android=""  
    app:indicator_type="dot_indicator" />  

See complete list of supported attributes Neat Stepper layout attributes

Create step Fragment(s)

Step fragments must extend
and implement com.nerdstone.neatandroidstepper.core.stepper.Step

class StepOneFragment : Step {  
    constructor(stepModel: StepModel) : super(stepModel)  
    override fun onCreateView(  
        inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?  
    ): View? {  
        val view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_step_one_fragment, container, false)  
        val linearLayout = view.findViewById<LinearLayout>(  
        for (i in 1..200) {  
            val text = TextView(context)  
            text.setPadding(16, 16, 16, 16)  
            text.text = "Current count $i"  
        return view  
    override fun verifyStep(): StepVerificationState {  
        TODO("not implemented")  
    override fun onSelected() {  
        TODO("not implemented")  
    override fun onError(stepVerificationState: StepVerificationState) {  
        TODO("not implemented")  

Set adapter in Activity

Activity must extend

You can also choose to implement stepper callback methods declared in com.nerdstone.neatandroidstepper.core.domain.StepperActionson the activity . The callback methods are called anytime the user interacts with the stepper for instance when the user clicks a button. Use the callbacks to handle any operations like saving data to database, requesting resource etc.

Call the method setUpViewWithAdapter of the stepper layout and pass the list of fragments to the constructor of com.nerdstone.neatandroidstepper.core.stepper.StepperPagerAdapter. This will set up the stepper view with the provided list of Fragments.

class MainActivity : FragmentActivity(), StepperActions {  
    lateinit var neatStepperLayout: NeatStepperLayout  
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {  
        neatStepperLayout = findViewById(  
        neatStepperLayout.stepperActions = this  
                    StepOneFragment(StepModel.Builder().title("Step Sample").subTitle("One").build()),  
                    StepOneFragment(StepModel.Builder().title("Step Sample").subTitle("Two").build()),  
                    StepOneFragment(StepModel.Builder().title("Step Sample").subTitle("Three").build())  
    override fun onStepError(stepVerificationState: StepVerificationState) {  
    override fun onButtonNextClick(step: Step) {  
    override fun onButtonPreviousClick(step: Step) {  
    override fun onStepComplete(step: Step) {  
        Toast.makeText(this, "Stepper completed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()  
    override fun onExitStepper() {  
        val confirmCloseDialog = AlertDialog.Builder(this)  
        confirmCloseDialog.apply {  
            setTitle("Confirm close")  
            setMessage("All the unsaved data will get lost if you quit")  
            setPositiveButton("Exit") { _, _ -> finish() }  
            setNegativeButton("Cancel") { _, _ -> return@setNegativeButton }  
    override fun onCompleteStepper() {  
        Toast.makeText(this, "Completed entire step", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()  

Customizing Stepper

In case you need different labels for the Next and Back buttons or if you want to change the images for the exit and complete button you can use the StepperModel Builder class. Alternative you can define the desired attributes on the xml layout.
To do this programmatically instantiate the StepperModel class using its builder and update the stepperModel property of NeatStepperLayout with the new class you just created.

neatStepperLayout = findViewById(    
val stepperModel: StepperModel= StepperModel.Builder()    
  .changeDotIndicatorColors(R.color.colorWhite, R.color.colorYellow)    
neatStepperLayout.stepperModel = stepperModel  

In layout:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>    
    <com.nerdstone.neatandroidstepper.core.widget.NeatStepperLayout xmlns:android=""    
      app:indicator_type="dot_indicator" />  

Customizing individual steps

You can also customize the appearance of individual steps for instance change the the bottom navigation background color or even change the labels for the buttons per step. You can also pass the title and subTitle (optional) properties for the steps. This can be done through the step's Builder class com.nerdstone.neatandroidstepper.core.model.StepModel; passed to as parameter to the Fragment implementing com.nerdstone.neatandroidstepper.core.stepper.Step

   StepperPagerAdapter(  supportFragmentManager,    
              .title("Step Sample")    
              .title("Step Sample")    
              .title("Step Sample")    

Hiding bottom navigation bar and ToolBar

Bottom navigation bar and toolbar are shown by default. To
hide the bottom navigation bar you can do that by either setting
the show_bottom_navigation_buttons attribute in XML to false
or by setting it programmatically by calling StepperModel.Builder()#showBottomNavigationButtons(boolean)
with false.

Neat Stepper layout attributes

View attributes

A list of base Neat Stepper layout attributes used for UI configuration.

Attribute name Format Description
previous_button_label string Label for the previous button
complete_button_label string Label for the complete button
toolbar_color color Android resource color for ToolBar Defaults to #3F51B5
bottom_navigation_background_color color Android color resource id for bottom navigation bar defaults to android.R.color.transparent
next_button_drawable_end reference Image drawable for the next button
previous_button_drawable_start reference Image shown next to the previous button
exit_button_drawable reference Image for the button used to exit the stepper view
complete_button_drawable reference Image for the complete button available on the toolbar
show_bottom_navigation_buttons boolean Flag to indicate whether to display the bottom navigation bar
show_toolbar boolean
show_progress_indicator boolean Use to hide/show progress indicator
indicator_type enum: either of dot_indicator progress_bar_indicator Used for choosing the type of progress indicator
dot_indicator_default_color color Android color resource applied on the unselected dots in the dot indicator
dot_indicator_selected_color color Android color resource set on the selected dot of the dot indicator


All contributions are welcome and encouraged!

If you wish to contribute please create an issue first explaining the proposed changes or fixes.


Library that allows using material stepper on an Android application.






No releases published




  • Kotlin 100.0%