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mauricioaniche edited this page Dec 25, 2010 · 7 revisions

Why do I need them?

If you want Restfulie to take care of the response and render resource in the correct media type, you should always return a restfulie result in your action.

You can find a different result for basically each HTTP Response Code.

What happens if specified media type is HTML?

Don’t worry about it. If media type is HTML, Restfulie will simply allow ASP.NET MVC to do its job.

Possible results

Result Parameters HTTP Status Code Location Output
Bad Request (none) 400
Created resource and location 201 X X
InternalServerError (none) 500
NotAcceptable (none) 406
NotFound (none) 404
PreconditionFailed (none) 412
SeeOther location 303 X
Forbidden (none) 403
NotModified (none) 304
OK resource 200 X
Service Unavailable (none) 503

Automatic responses

Restfulie automatically sends some responses to the client if some of the following occurs:
1) An error ocurred when unmarshalling resource: Bad Request.
2) The media type requested is not valid: Not Acceptable

When it happens, the invoked action is not even executed.