I'm learning golang, so it's just for testing :D
Chat made with Golang using net/rpc module.
//to compile the server
go build server.go
//to compile the client
go build client.go
./client --server [direction] --port [port] --name [name]
Where direction
is like, port
like 1234 and name
like Bob.
./server --server [direction] --port [port]
Where direction
and port
are like in the client.
Send a message to other user
other_user < This is a message for other_user, hola, hello, salut!
You can broadcast a message
/broadcast helloooo, this is a message for every user in this server
$all < helloooo, this is a message for every user in this server
/help display help
/users display all connected users
/broadcast send a message to all the registered users
/whoami print the user name