Fabián Fernando Serrano Suárez UNAL Manizales, Colombia
Thaynara Arielly de Lima Universidade Federal de Goiáis, Brasil
Mauricio Ayala-Rincón Universidade de Brasília, Brasil
This project contains the Isabell/HOL formalization of the compactness theorem for propositional logic using Smullyan's model existence theorem approach according to Fitting presentation. In addition, it contains three applications:
- formalizations of Hall's theorem for the set- and the graph-theoretical case for countable sets and graphs;
- a formalization of de Bruijn-Erdös k-coloring theorem for countable graphs;
- and, a formalization of König's Lemma.
Except for the graph-theoretical version of Hall's theorem, obtained from the set-theoretical version of Hall's theorem, the applications are proved constructively building sets of propositional formulas and models, and applying the compactness theorem.