Project aims to demonstrate a simple way of automating the Web-UI using open-source tools like Selenium, testNg as testing tools with Maven as a build tool along with great support of data-driven testing and html report generation.
* git clone project :
* cd ui-test-demo
* mvn clean compile
mvn clean test -Dbrowser=Chrome/FF
#where -Dbrowser is a command line argument to choose the browser to run the tests,
defaults to Chrome only.
#It automatically detects the OS version and picks up browser provided in param above.
Html Reports at the end of execution is available in /target folder
with test name, test status, test data and screenshots for failures
Sample Report Screenshot
Can be directely integrated with CI/CD tools like Jenkins, travis for deployement and
send notifications on Slack, PagerDuty.
Pull requests and feedbacks are welcome.Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.