Authors: Allie Cole, Clarissa Boyajian, Scout Leonard
Purpose: This repository contains the contents of our 3rd homework assignment for EDS 220, in which we will teach a remote sensing concept to out cohort-mates. Our group calculates vegetation indices for mangrove canopies using Landsat 8 data.
- environment.yml: Environment file for use in creating Binder environment for running Jupyter notebook
- This file, which contains information about repository contents and the binder to for classmates to interact with our tutorial notebook
- notebooks: folder containing...
- mangrove_canopy_coverage.ipynb: Julypter notebook where our data are called, described, and manipulated to analyze mangrove canopy coverage at our point of interest
- empty_mangrove_canopy_coverage.ipynb: a duplicate of the HW inofrmation and calculations, with code missing for live coding with the class to teach about our project
- references: a folder containing important literature used, including...
- A new approach for estimating mangrove canopy cover using Landsat 8 imagery.pdf: published paper detailing a new way to calculate mangrove canopy cover using seven vegetation indeces
- Final-Report-Cacheu-projecet-1.pdf: report detailing restoration efforts at Cacheu Mangroves National Park in Guinea-Bissau
- images: folder containing images used in the jupyter notebooks in this repo