mcMMO-perm-gen is a tool for automatically generating a list of permissions from a plugin.yml written for use with mcMMO
java -jar mcMMO-perms-gen.jar [path to plugin.yml] [path to main.template] [path to child.template] [path to parent.template] [path to child_list.template]
Any valid plugin.yml will work with this tool, however to any permission node you may add the following:
- noparse: true
- This will prevent the tool from processing this node
- wiki: String
- This will provide additional information for the __WIKI_INFO__ key
Inside the main template, __CHILD_NODES__ will include the Child Template for each child node found in the plugin.yml, __PARENT_NODES__ will include the Parent Template for each parent node found in the plugin.yml, __CHILD_LIST__ will list all child nodes in the root separated by newline, __PARENT_LIST__ will list all parent nodes in the root separated by newline.
Inside the Child and Child List Templates, the node will be formatted with the provided information from the plugin.yml
Inside the Parent Template, the node will be formatted with the provided information from the plugin.yml, additionally __CHILD_LIST_FORMATTED__ will include the Child List Template for that parent node.
- __NODE__
- __NODE__
- __NODE__
Maven 3 is required to compile mcMMO-perm-gen