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RNAseq Utils

Matteo Chialva edited this page Jun 10, 2022 · 5 revisions

RNAseq Utils

Scripts for manipulating functional enrichments, DEGs list and to visualize RNAseq data. If you use these scripts please cite this paper:


Add DEGs IDs to GOseq enrichment output. DEGs ID colnames must be "id"

add_genes2GO(enrichment_table, gene2cat, DE_genes, sep)


A modified version of GOCircle function from GOPlot package ( It allows to truncate labels at a given string length (trunc.width argument) and to wrap them in rows of given length (lab.wrap argument).

GOCircleR(data, title, nsub, rad1, rad2, table.legend = T, zsc.col, lfc.col, label.size, label.fontface, lab.wrap, trunc.width)

deseq2david and goseq2david

Convert DEseq2/goseq results output into DAVID format for GOPlot compatibility.

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