This Symfony bundle provides integration with the markup/addressing package, which is able to format addresses according to the rules set out in Frank's Compulsive Guide To Postal Addresses.
Add MarkupAddressingBundle to your composer.json:
"require": {
"markup/addressing-bundle": "@dev"
Add MarkupAddressingBundle to your AppKernel.php:
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
new Markup\AddressingBundle\MarkupAddressingBundle(),
Finally, install the bundle using Composer:
$ php composer.phar update markup/addressing-bundle
Simple usage example:
$renderer = $this->get('markup_addressing.address.renderer');
$address = new MyAddressAdapter($myAddress); //MyAddressAdapter here wraps a different address definition and makes it implement Markup\Addressing\AddressInterface
echo $renderer->render($address, ['format' => 'plaintext']);
This would echo out an address, formatted correctly according to the country, using plaintext.
Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.