Helper scripts for various cases.
- Developed, tested and used in macOS environment.
- Additional packages used in the scripts have been mostly
installed with Homebrew.
Short descriptions of the scripts.
- Checks and lists available Homebrew updates.
- Option to install updates to the installed formulae and applications.
- Note: The scripts does not verify and fix possible linking warnings - by purpose. Thus, you might occasionally see messages like: "Warning: You have unlinked kegs in your Cellar."
- Notification about decreased battery charging level. Current check value
set to 30%, using it through crontab scheduling. If you set the Script
Editor notification settings from Banners to Alerts the messages stay
visible until you close the notification. CONTAINER_ID
- Open a terminal connection to a running Docker container.
- Requirement: docker running
- Change few umlauts to nicer HTML encoding.
- Display network information and connected wireless network.
- Possibility to reset wireless network.
- Display package information of the installed Pip packages.
- Update pip3 packages and pip itself in a straightforward way.
- List all running containers. Option to stop them.
- Requirement: docker running
- Syntax checker using Shellcheck to verify all shellscripts from the current
directory or a directory given as an argument.
- Display wireless network's strenght signal, SSID and the channel in use.
- Looping by default 10 test rounds.
Designed by Mikko Drocan.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE
file for details.