These notes were initially taken while conducting my engineering final year project. Design an in-house intelligent medical device (sensors included !) to ease the Therapeutic Patient Education (TPE) process, applied for Diabetes disease.
The idea here is to develop an AI ChatBot, connected with a predictive trained model(ML) hooked through my domain to provide instant Telegram responses served from implemented flask framework !
- The ChatBot has mainly 2 essential functions:
- provide educational materiels for patients with diabetes disease. (customized Telegram responses)
- monitor predictive measures for non-diabetes persons.
- Faced 2 main branches of AI :
- Natural Language Processing (NLP) especially the classification ! (intent classification)
- Machine Learning, predictive analytics. (Diabetes prediction)
- DialogFlow was chosen for Implementing our ChatBot as DRY principle, and also to avoid processing hasle !
- This will be updated as I go through AI :)
- Notes aren't well structured, but yet well used !