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Repository for CS6400-2019-02-Team13

Table of Contents

Public Search and Vehicle Detail View

Public Search

Public Vehicle Detail view

Inventory Clerk: Login, Authenticated Search, Vehicle Detail, Add Vehicle, Search/Add Seller, Repairs, Logout

Login-Inventory Clerk

Authenticated Search

Vehicle Detail

Add Vehicle

Search/Add Customer-Seller

Add Repairs

Search/Add Vendor

Update and Complete Repairs


Salespeople: Login, Authenticated Search, Vehicle Detail, Sell Vehicle, Search/Add Customer-Seller, Logout


Authenticated Search

Vehicle Detail

Sell Vehicle

Search/Add Customer-Seller


Managers: Login, Authenticated Search, Vehicle Detail, Reports, Logout


Authenticated Search

Vehicle Detail



Owner: Login, Authenticated Search, Vehicle Detail, Reports, Logout

Login-Owner (All Roles)

Authenticated Search

Vehicle Detail



Public Search and Vehicle Detail View

Public Search

  1. Start on public search
  2. Point out the number of vehicles available for purchase
  3. Search 1 for vehicles (pick any below) 1. Select Vehicle Type: Convertible 2. Select Manufacture: Porsche 3. Select Model Year: 2007 4. Select Color: Rose 5. Search; show results
  4. Search 2, Clear Search 1. Enter Keyword: gmc 2. Seach; "Sorry, it looks like we don't have that in stock!"
  5. Search 3, reload page 1. Enter Keyword: 2013 2. Search; show results

Public Vehicle Detail view

  1. Select a vehicle from search result
  2. Point out the Vehicle Detail Fields

Inventory Clerk: Login, Authenticated Search, Vehicle Detail, Add Vehicle, Search/Add Seller, Repairs, Logout

Login-Inventory Clerk

  1. Start on Public search
  2. Login as Clerk
  3. Username: user02
  4. Password: pass02
  5. Point out the number of vehicles available for purchase
  6. Point out additional count of vehicles with repairs pending or in-progress
  7. Point out new Add Vehicle link
  8. Point out the new search by VIN Field

Authenticated Search

  1. Search
  2. Search 1 using same Keyword as Public user 1. Enter Keyword: 2013 2. Search; Point out more returns than public user on same query
  3. Search 2 using VIN 1. Paste VIN ( 22420XMJ47N471618 ) in VIN field 2. Search; show results

Vehicle Detail

  1. Click link for Vehicle Details
  2. Point out new fields for Inventory Clerk 1. Original Purchase Price 2. Total of all repair costs
  3. Point out Manage Repairs Link listing details of all repairs for the vehicle

Add Vehicle

  1. Demo Add Vehicle
  2. Return to main page
  3. Click Add Vehicle Link

Search Customer-Seller

  1. Demo Search Customer
  2. Click Search Customer 1. Select Individual 2. Enter DL: A2840015188 3. Search 4. Select Customer
  3. Complete Add Vehicle Fields 1. Enter VIN: 1D377TZAWSW801900 2. Enter Purchase Price: 400 3. Select Manufacturer: Audi 4. Select Vehicle Type: Coupe 5. Select Model: X1 6. Enter Year: 2001 7. Enter Mileage: 100000 8. Select Condition: Excellent 9. Enter Description: DEMO 10. Select Color: Blue 11. Click Purchase 12. Point out $0 for Total Repair Cost, Price is 1.25x Purchase ($500)

Add Repairs

  1. Demo Add, Update, Complete Repairs
  2. In Vehicle Details for newly added Vehicle 1. Again point out $0 for total repairs 2. Click Vehicle Repairs 3. Point Out, no current or past repairs

Search/Add Vendor

  1. Search Vendor
  2. Click Search For Vendor Name
  3. Enter Vendor Name: Newex
  4. Click Search
  5. Click Select Vendor
  6. Complete Add Repair Fields
  7. Enter Start Date: 2019-07-12
  8. Enter End Date: 2019-07-13
  9. Enter Repair Cost: 1000
  10. Enter Description: fix cupholder
  11. Click Add Repair
  12. Update Repair to In Progress
  13. Update Repair to Complete
  14. Add Vendor
  15. Click Search For Vendor Name
  16. Enter Vendor Name: Bobs Shack
  17. Enter Phone Number: 905-555-2300
  18. Enter Street: 123 Main St
  19. Enter City: Dallas
  20. Enter State: TX
  21. Enter Postal Code: 75003
  22. Add Vendor
  23. Complete Add Repair Fields
  24. Enter Start Date: 2019-07-14
  25. Enter End Date: 2019-07-15
  26. Enter NHTSA Recall Number: 04V133000
  27. Enter Repair Cost: 100
  28. Enter Description: Safety Recall
  29. Click Add Repair
  30. Update Repair to In Progress
  31. Update Repair to Complete

Update and Complete Repairs

  1. Update and Complete Repairs
  2. Complete Repair
  3. Copy VIN
  4. Return to main page
  5. Search by VIN (Paste VIN in Field)
  6. Point out change in price ($1600 now)


  1. Logout
  2. Return to Main pages
  3. Click Logout

Salespeople: Login, Authenticated Search, Vehicle Detail, Sell Vehicle, Search/Add Customer-Seller, Logout


  1. Start on Public search
  2. Login as Sales Person
  3. Username: user08
  4. Password: pass08
  5. Point out the number of vehicles available for purchase (increased by 1)
  6. Point out the new search by VIN Field

Authenticated Search

  1. Search
  2. Search 1 using Keyword as Public user 1. Enter Keyword: 2001 2. Search; Displays newly purchased vehicle

Vehicle Detail

  1. Click link for Vehicle Details
  2. Point out the same columns as Public Search
  3. Point out new Sell Vehicle link

Sell Vehicle

  1. Demo Sell Vehicle
  2. Click Sell Vehicle Link

Add Customer-Buyer

  1. Demo Search/Add Customer-Buyer
  2. Click Search customer
  3. Enter TIN ID: 08-2477133
  4. Search Customer
  5. Add Business Customer
  6. Phone number: 972-555-2300
  7. Email Address:
  8. Street: 123 Main St
  9. City: Plano
  10. State: TX
  11. Postal Code: 75075
  12. Business Tax ID: 08-2477133
  13. Business Name: DEMO
  14. Primary Contact Name: Jim Demo
  15. Primary Contact Title: Owner/Operator

  1. Complete Sell
  2. Click Sell Vehicle


  1. Demo Logout
  2. Return to Main Page
  3. Click Logout

Managers: Login, Authenticated Search, Vehicle Detail, Reports, Logout


  1. Start on Public search
  2. Login as Manager
  3. Username: user01
  4. Password: pass01
  5. Point out the number of vehicles available for purchase
  6. Point out additional count of vehicles with repairs pending or in-progress
  7. Point out the new Reports link
  8. Point out the new search by VIN Field
  9. Point out the new filter by status (Unsold, Sold, All)

Authenticated Search

  1. Search
  2. Search 1 using same Keyword as Public user 1. Enter Keyword: 2013 2. Select All in Filter Sold/Unsold 3. Enter Keyword again and select Unsold 4. Enter Keyword again and select Sold 5. Search

Vehicle Detail

  1. Click link for Vehicle Details on Sold
  2. Point out the additional information for manager 1. Seller's Contact Information 2. Inventory Clerk that purchased the vehicle 3. Purchase info (price, date, total cost of repairs) 4. Repairs Link listing details for all repairs on the vehicle 5. Buyer's contact information 6. Sale date 7. Salesperson that sold the vehicle


  1. Return to Main page
  2. Select Dropdown for each report and demo 1. Seller History Report
    1. Name of Seller
    2. Total vehicles sold to Burdell
    3. Average Purchase Price
    4. Average Number of Repairs
    5. Sorted:
    6. Vehicles Sold Descending
    7. Average Purchase Ascending
    8. Highlighted Average Repair >=5 2. Inventory Age Report
    9. Vehicle Type
    10. Min/Avg/Max Age unsold by type 3. Average Time in Inventory Report
    11. Vehicle Type
    12. Min/Avg/Max in inventory 4. Price Per Condition Report
    13. Vehicle Type
    14. Average price per condition 5. Repair Statistics Report
    15. Vendor Name
    16. Number of completed repairs
    17. Total spend
    18. Number of repairs
    19. Average duration of repairs 6. Monthly Sales Report
    20. Summary page
    21. Total vehicles sold by year and month
    22. All transactions by year and month
    23. Drilldown page
    24. Ranked order of Salesperson performance
    25. Descending vehicle count/total sales


  1. Demo Logout

  2. Return to Main Page

  3. Click Logout

Owner: Login, Authenticated Search, Vehicle Detail, Reports, Logout

Login-Owner (All Roles)

  1. Start on Public search
  2. Login as Manager
  3. Username: burdell
  4. Password: burdell
  5. Point out the number of vehicles available for purchase
  6. Point out additional count of vehicles with repairs pending or in-progress
  7. Point out the new links: 1. Reports 2. Add Vehicle
  8. Point out the new search by VIN Field
  9. Point out the filter by status (Unsold, Sold, All)

Authenticated Search

  1. Search
  2. Search using same Keyword as Public user 1. Enter Keyword: 2013 2. Select All in Filter Sold/Unsold 3. Search

Vehicle Detail

  1. Click link for Vehicle Details for Sold Vehicle
  2. Point out the additional information for Owner 1. Seller's Contact Information 2. Inventory Clerk that purchased the vehicle 3. Purchase info (price, date, total cost of repairs) 4. Repairs section listing details for all repairs on the vehicle 5. Buyer's contact information 6. Sale date 7. Salesperson that sold the vehicle
  3. Point out additional links for Owner 1. Sell Vehicle 2. Manage Repairs


  1. Return to Main page
  2. Click Reports Link
  3. Display Dropdown of available reports and select one or more demo 1. Seller History Report 2. Inventory Age Report 3. Average Time in Inventory Report 4. Price Per Condition Report 5. Repair Statistics Report 6. Monthly Sales Report


  1. Demo Logout

  2. Return to Main Page

  3. Click Logout


Basic CRUD app created for CS6400 (Summer 2019)






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