- Registering new user. (E-mail, User-name, Password)
- Loging registered user. (User-name, Password)
- Aloow to join an existing room. (Room-name(unique), User-name)
- Allow to create a room. (Room-name(unquie), User-name)
- Notify other joined users when joining. (User-name)
- Emit the cursor-click within the room. (Room-name, User-name, X-coordinate, Y-coordinate)
- Notify others when leaving the room. (Room-name, User-name)
. +-- app.js +-- bin | +-- www +-- package.json +-- public | +-- images | +-- javascripts | +-- stylesheets | +--style.css +-- routes | +-- index.js | +-- users.js +-- views | +-- error.pug | +-- index.pug | +-- layout.pug