CodeePy has been created to allow Codee the robot from the Creative Science Foundation to be controlled via Python.
CodeePy requires Python 3.4 to be installed on your machine, it can be downloaded for free from the Python website. We recommend using Pycharm IDE as your initial development tool, please note students, educators and educational facilities have free access to the professional version and there is also a free community version.
Create a new project, being sure to specify the Python 3.4 interpreter. Open the terminal within PyCharm and install CodeePy with pip (which will also install any dependencies) For more information regarding pip please visit our module page
pip install codeepy
Within your project create a new Python file, initially you will need to import CodeePy, and create an instance of CodeePy. I have included a helper which will list your com ports, additionally CodeePy documentation can be viewed with the help(CodeePy) function below
from codeePy import CodeePy
# view CodeePy Documentation
# create CodeePy Instance and open connection
board = CodeePy('<Your COM port>')
Now you have created your instance object please see the file to test the CodeePy functions.
pip install codeepy --upgrade
Creative-Robotix can be used by teachers, parents, children, adults, in groups or as individuals to address core STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Maths) learning and making activities in a fun, hands-on, social and interactive way. Our open-source platform can be used by anyone from 7 years up who are interested in learning more about technology. The tasks are carefully designed to fit the abilities of all ages, ranging from simple to more complex assembly, depending on your age, knowledge and guidance available
For more information on how to create Codee including 3D printing files and firmware please visit Instructables
For more information on the Creative Science Foundation please visit CreativeRobotix