Maven project example accompanying article Secure, Flexible and Scalable Build Configuration with Maven
- Maven 3+
- Java 1.8+
Before building the project you must configure local
profile, which is active by default. An example Filter File
is provided as a template:
- create a folder for application logs on your local file system, e.g.:
- Linux/Unix-like:
- Windows:
- Linux/Unix-like:
- open
- copy and rename it
- in
set the values of the following properties according to the folder you created above:log.path
In .gitignore
there's an entry for the local filter file you created (configuration/
), so it cannot be committed to the repository. This way you safely modify it, putting in it local paths, passwords, etc. without worrying that sensitive data will be pushed to the repository.
Build command:
mvn package
As the default active profile is local
, executing this build command will use properties from configuration/
. The result of the build is a jar with its dependencies:
To run a production build you need to activate the prod
To simulate an actual production build you should provide informations (especially sensitive ones) on the command line, leaving configuration/
Here's an example command (make sure to copy it on a single line):
mvn package -Pprod "-Djdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://" \
"-Djdbc.username=prod-user" \
"-Dlog.path=/var/logs/my-application" \
On Unix/Linux/Mac:
java -jar target/maven-flexiconf-jar-with-dependencies.jar
On Windows:
java -jar .\target\maven-flexiconf-jar-with-dependencies.jar
After running the application you will find a maven-flexiconf.log
log file in the directory you created in Step 1.
- do a
build and run the application - run a
build and run the application - check the difference in log files
Try creating a new build profile, e.g. qa
(Quality Assurance) or integration
, overriding files in src/main/resources-override
and putting properties in correct filter files.
Remember: security is a top priority. Try to understand why preventing sensitive data to leak in Git repository is important and how to ensure it.