The Note Taking App is a simple application for creating, editing, and deleting notes. It includes a synchronization feature that allows you to backup and sync your notes to Google Drive.
- Create, edit, and delete notes.
- Search for notes by keywords.
- Set reminders for notes.
- Node.js
- npm
- Express.js
- SQLite
- Install Node.js and npm:
Follow the instructions on the official Node.js website to install Node.js and npm.
- Install project dependencies:
Navigate to your project directory in the terminal and run the following command:
npm install
This will install all necessary dependencies listed in package.json.
- Start the server:
Navigate to your project directory in the terminal and run the following command:
node server.js
The server will start on port 8000. You can access the Note Taking App at http://localhost:8000
- Use the application: The application exposes the following endpoints:
POST /create_note: Creates a new note. The request body should contain JSON with title, content, and category of the note.
POST /edit_note: Edits an existing note. The request body should contain JSON with id, title, content, and category of the note.
POST /delete_note: Deletes an existing note. The request body should contain JSON with id of the note.
GET /search_notes: Searches for notes containing a specified keyword. The query parameter keyword should be included in the URL.
POST /set_reminder: Sets a reminder for a note. The request body should contain JSON with id of the note and reminder_time in milliseconds.
Please note that this is a very basic implementation and is not meant for production use. For a production application, consider using a more robust database and adding error handling and validation to the server.