Lite MVC PHP app framework
Here you can define your route
$route['sample'] = [
false, // specify the default template name, if declared an controller, this will not be read
'sample_controller@sample', // controller name, the '@' symbol is a delimiter between your controller name and the method e.g controller@method, if no method, index will be use by default
false // models, provide an array if multiple e.g. ['model1','model2','model3']. If false, all models in the models folder will be loaded
Refer to routes.php
All controllers must be put in 'controllers' folder. See 'controllers/Sample_controller.php' sample.
All models must be put in 'models folder'. See 'models/Sample_model.php' sample
//initialize model
use App\Models\ModelName as model
and then initialize it by
$model = new ModelName();
to your controller;
All templates or anything that was tied up with the view must be put on 'templates' folder.
you can directly call the view by not specifying a controller name unto a route. If controller was declared then the view name will be skip
$route['home'] = [home_template] // this can be found inside the templates folder
(config.php) here you can put all the configurations for you app. Some of the default and required settings are
$app['url'] = ''; // leave this empty if app is not hosted on shared hosting
$app['title'] = '' // specify your app title
$app['db']['mysql'] = [..]; // database settings validating inputs
use \Respect\Validation\Validator as v; mysql wrapper
use \MysqliDb as sqldb; email wrapper
use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer;
use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception;