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Initial Ubuntu 16.04 Web Server Setup

Ansible playbook to setup web server and playbook to deploy laravel project with zero time.

What initial-setup.yml playbook does

  • install python2 and aptitude
  • upgrade all software
  • create user with sudo rights
  • configure sshd: disables root login and password authentication, also allows to login only user created on previous step

What setup.yml playbook does

  • install
    • git
    • ntp
    • vim
    • tmux
    • htop
    • curl
    • unzip
  • configure automatic security updates (do not reloads server, only installs updates)
  • setup timezone
  • configure iptables and fail2ban
  • create swap file
  • setup ssl certificate with letsencrypt
  • install node.js, npm and yarn
  • install nginx
  • install php and composer
  • install mysql
  • creates following folders structure for zero time deployment:
    • /path/to/domain
      • current -> /link/to/latest/release
      • persistent
        • storage
      • releases
        • 2017-08-10-10-00-00
        • 2017-08-11-10-00-00
        • 2017-08-12-10-00-00

What deploy.yml playbook does

  • clone repository
  • set correct permissions
  • link /path/to/release/storage to /path/to/domain/persistent/storage
  • install composer dependencies
  • link /path/to/release/.env to /path/to/domain/persistent/.env
  • install npm dependencies and generate assets
  • optimize laravel application
  • backup database
  • run new migrations
  • link /path/to/domain/current to /path/to/domain/releases/new-release
  • delete all, but 10 latest releases

If build fails

  • rollback migrations
  • remove new release folder
  • link /path/to/domain/current to /path/to/domain/releases/last-success-release


Inventory file

Create inventory file in project root. You should specify ip address of your server in this file.


Install dependencies

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Environment variables

Copy vars/main.yml.example to vars/main.yml and change variable values for your needs. For security reasons you may want to encrypt this file using ansible-vault:

ansible-vault encrypt vars/main.yml

And then edit this file with

ansible-vault edit vars/main.yml

To see all available variables take a look at roles/*/defaults/main.yml. Also visit external roles github page for additional documentation.

To generate password for your user use

sudo apt-get install -y whois
mkpasswd --method=SHA-512

Nginx and php-fpm configs

  • Site config for nginx place in roles/nginx/templates/yoursite.j2
  • Php-fpm pool config place in roles/php/templates/yoursite.conf.j2
  • Default configs are available in this gist

Initial setup

By default on ubuntu 16.04 there is no python 2 and aptitude. Without those programs ansible cannot work. To fix it run:

ansible-playbook initial-setup.yml

Beside it this playbook also creates user and configures ssh server.

Provision server

This playbook setup nginx, php-fpm, mysql, nodejs, etc.

ansible-playbook setup.yml

To run only specific roles

ansible-playbook setup.yml --tags=user,nginx

To exclude specific roles

ansible-playbook setup.yml --skip-tags=user,nginx


ansible-playbook deploy.yml


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
