Tilde is a web application built with Ruby on Rails.
What started as a community over a Slack group, needed a communication platform. Tilde is considered as the public interface of MENAdevs online community and a window to the world outside of the Slack group. It consists of a job board and an online members directory. Employers can use the job board to advertise, free of charge, jobs to all of the community members.
Tilde is Open Source, contributors from the community are welcome to join and contribute back.
If you have a feature request, please open a ticket.
This README describes the purpose of this repository and how to set up a development environment. Other sources of documentation are as follows:
- UI and API designs are in
API specifications are located here
You can find our objectives and a preliminary set of features on the following Google Docs link
This project requires:
- Ruby 2.6.5
- PhantomJS (in order to use the poltergeist gem)
- PostgreSQL must be installed and accepting connections
- Redis must be installed and running on localhost with the default port
On a Mac, you can obtain all of the above packages using Homebrew.
If you need help setting up a Ruby development environment, check out this Rails OS X Setup Guide.
Make sure you have PostgreSQL and Redis servers running locally
- Install bundler:
gem install bundler
- Download the application:
git clone git@github.com:mena-devs/tilde.git
- Copy local configuration files and pupulate them with your values:
cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml
cp config/settings/development.yml.sample config/settings/development.yml
cp example.env .env
- Install libraries:
cd tilde && bundle install
- Run
bin/rails server
to start a local application server - Navigate to
to view the application in your browser
To test sent out emails during development, navigate to localhost:3000/letter_opener
to check individual sent emails.
For contributions, please follow the following git workflow