Note: The app is not a product! Direct purchase and use may not provide the desired performance. Developed for entertainment purposes only.
Description: A sweet project that blocks malicious urls for redis application with minimal api that comes with .Net 6. There is a Swagger plugin in the application. You can access the necessary parameters for the post methods via Swagger.
- Querying the entered url on Redis
- Adding the entered url to Redis
- Deleting the entered url on Redis
- Updating the entered url on Redis
- Listing all urls on Redis
Method | Endpoint | Request Type |
/UrlCheck | ../UrlCheck?queryUrlFilter="url" | GET |
/AddNewUrl | ../AddNewUrl | POST |
/DeleteUrl | ../DeleteUrl?queryUrlFilter="url" | POST |
/UpdateUrl | ../UpdateUrl | PUT |
/ListAllBlockedUrls | ../ListAllBlockedUrls | GET |
As a result of the working of the methods, http status codes are returned for the url sent or other operations performed.
Method | Status Code | Explanation |
UrlCheck | 202 | The url sent is not in the list of malicious urls. (Allowed) |
UrlCheck | 406 | The sent url is in the list of malicious urls. (Permission denied) |
AddNewUrl | 201 | Added new malicious url with sent parameters. (Added) |
DeleteUrl | 200 | The url on Redis was deleted with the sent parameters. (Deleted) |
DeleteUrl | 404 | The url could not be found on Redis with the parameters sent. (Not found) |