Fix: Delete 'stroke: black' from lollipop marker so it matches themes and edge paths #13320
10 errors and 2 warnings
Install dependencies
Type '"kanbanSection"' is not assignable to type '"join" | "state" | "db" | "summary" | "start" | "document" | "event" | "stop" | "process" | "text" | "circle" | "rect" | "database" | "display" | "choice" | "note" | "rectWithTitle" | ... 137 more ... | undefined'.
Install dependencies
Argument of type '{ id: string; label: string; isGroup: true; ticket: string | undefined; shape: "kanbanSection"; level: number; look: "classic" | "handDrawn" | undefined; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'KanbanNode'.
Install dependencies
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"join" | "state" | "db" | "summary" | "start" | "document" | "event" | "stop" | "process" | "text" | "circle" | "rect" | "database" | "display" | "choice" | "note" | "rectWithTitle" | ... 137 more ... | undefined'.
Install dependencies
Object is possibly 'null'.
Install dependencies
Argument of type 'D3Selection<SVGAElement>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SVG & D3Selection<SVGAElement>'.
Install dependencies
Argument of type 'SVGGroup' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SVG & D3Selection<SVGGElement>'.
Install dependencies
Type '<T extends SVGGraphicsElement>(parent: D3Selection<T>, node: Node) => Promise<D3Selection<T> | Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, Element | null, unknown>>' is not assignable to type 'ShapeHandler'.
Install dependencies
Type '<T extends SVGGraphicsElement>(parent: D3Selection<T>, node: Node) => Promise<Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, Element | null, unknown> | D3Selection<...>>' is not assignable to type 'ShapeHandler'.
Install dependencies
Type '<T extends SVGGraphicsElement>(parent: D3Selection<T>, node: Node) => Promise<Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, Element | null, unknown> | D3Selection<...>>' is not assignable to type 'ShapeHandler'.
Install dependencies
Type '<T extends SVGGraphicsElement>(parent: D3Selection<T>, node: Node) => Promise<Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, Element | null, unknown> | D3Selection<...>>' is not assignable to type 'ShapeHandler'.
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Codecov: Error importing gpg key: Command failed: gpg --logger-fd 1 --no-default-keyring --import /__w/_actions/codecov/codecov-action/e28ff129e5465c2c0dcc6f003fc735cb6ae0c673/dist/pgp_keys.asc
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Codecov: Error verifying gpg signature: Command failed: gpg --logger-fd 1 --verify /__w/_actions/codecov/codecov-action/e28ff129e5465c2c0dcc6f003fc735cb6ae0c673/dist/codecov.SHA256SUM.sig /__w/_actions/codecov/codecov-action/e28ff129e5465c2c0dcc6f003fc735cb6ae0c673/dist/codecov.SHA256SUM