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Compass is a simple LMS for assigning lessons and viewing student results. Compass seamlessly integrates 3rd party applications via the Compass API.

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Welcome to Quill!

Quill is a web application that provides interactive writing activities.

Read about our mission.

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Participating via Cofactor

Quill is built and maintained by a core team and volunteers. Contributors are organized into teams on Cofactor. Cofactor is a tool for collaboartively building open source projects.

If you have ideas on how to improve Quill, or just want to help, please join us on our Cofactor page.

Using Cofactor, you can communicate via the following channels:

  1. Chat/IRC. Join our Gitter chat room for immediate discussions. Gitter is now building an IRC bridge.
  2. Mailing List. Use the mailing list to discuss ideas, questions, and project direction.
  3. GitHub Issues. Use GitHub issues to discuss particular features under development.
  4. Google Hangouts. Video chats are organized through the Gitter chat.


  1. Check our Github issue queue for ideas on how to help.
  2. Make sure your code follows Ruby and project conventions.
  3. Make sure you don't have any IDE / platform specific files committed. i.e. .DS_Store, .idea, .project (consider adding these to a global gitignore).
  4. Before commiting, run rake, make sure all tests pass.
  5. Introduce changes with pull requests.

Read our guide to contributing for more information.


A good place to start is by setting up and running Quill on your local machine or by using a Vagrant virtual machine.

If you are having any trouble installing, [please post your questions to the "Questions" mailing list in Cofactor.

Note: Unless stated otherwise, all commands assume that your current working directory is the Quill application root.

  1. Setup ruby 1.9.3. You can use RVM or rbenv to achieve this, rbenv is recommended ( Here are the steps for installing os OS X:

    Install homebrew (if you haven't already):

    Install rbenv:

    brew update
    brew install rbenv ruby-build

    Install ruby:

    rbenv install 1.9.3-p484

    Set it to your default ruby:

    rbenv local 1.9.3-p484
  2. Install dependencies.

    bundle install

    Note: This may require you to install missing system packages using your system package handler (brew, apt, yum, etc.).

  3. Set up your database configuration by creating and editing the file config/database.yml with appropriate connection information. Example information is provided below.

        host: localhost
        adapter: postgresql
        encoding: unicode
        database: <database_name>
        pool: 5
        username: my_name
        password: my_pass
  4. Build the database structure.

    sudo service postgres start   # may change depending on your OS
    rake db:create
    rake db:schema:load
  5. Seed data into the database.

    rake db:seed

    If you are granted access to a Heroku environment, you can also capture a database directly from that. Instructions below are for example only.

    heroku pg:capture --app <app>
    curl -o ~/latest.dump $(heroku pgbackups:url --app <app>)
    pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U <your_db_user> -d <database_name> ~/latest.dump

    Note: <app> is the name of the Quill deployment on Heroku you want to retrieve data from.

  6. Ensure the following parameters are in your environment:


    Setting these up varies on your platform. You can export them in your bash config (not recommended) or use a config file provided by either RVM (.ruby-env) or rbenv (.rbenv-vars). Please refer to their respective documentations if you need more information.

  7. Start the app, make sure it works.

    rails server
    curl localhost:3000


user = User.first
token = user.token

$ ab -H "Authorization: Basic `echo TOKEN_GOES_HERE: | base64`==" -n 5 -c 1


Request help on Gitter or on our Mailing List.


Compass is a simple LMS for assigning lessons and viewing student results. Compass seamlessly integrates 3rd party applications via the Compass API.






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