Simple and lightweight SDK for using Messente API-s.
Supported API-s and features:
- Messaging API support
- Pricing API support
- Credits API support
- Delivery report API support
- SMS length calculator
- Convenience methods for correct API call URL building
Installing messente-sdk is easy. Just add messente-sdk jar to your classpath or use it as maven dependency. All the needed jar files can be found here.
Just add messente-sdk dependency to your POM.xml file:
And here's some code for sending SMS! 👍
public class SendSmsSimpleExample {
public static final String API_USERNAME = "<api-username-here>";
public static final String API_PASSWORD = "<api-password-here>";
public static final String SMS_SENDER_ID = "<your-sender-id-here>";
public static final String SMS_RECIPIENT = "+3721234567";
public static final String SMS_TEXT = "Hey! Check out, it's awesome!";
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create Messente client
Messente messente = new Messente(API_USERNAME, API_PASSWORD);
// Create response object
MessenteResponse response = null;
try {
// Send SMS
response = messente.sendSMS(SMS_SENDER_ID, SMS_RECIPIENT, SMS_TEXT);
// Checking the response status
if (response.isSuccess()) {
// Get Messente server full response
System.out.println("Server response: " + response.getRawResponse());
//Get unique message ID part of the response(can be used for retrieving message delivery status later)
System.out.println("SMS unique ID: " + response.getResult());
} else {
// In case of failure get failure message
throw new RuntimeException(response.getResponseMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to send SMS! " + e.getMessage());
Check out other examples on GitHub.