This repository contains a collection of Nix packages and NixOS modules, commonly used by the Metacraft Labs development team.
In order to reuse a ci workflow from this repo (ci/update-flake-lock/update-flake-packages), you must have the following in your yml file in your repository:
uses: metacraft-labs/nixos-modules/.github/workflows/ci.yml@main
secrets: inherit
The mcl tool contained in this repository has a number of commands which can be given to it as a commandline argument. They are:
Evaluates each package, and compares it to it's last cached version, creating a table listing which packages are cached, which aren't, and which failed. This command is not meant to be run manually, but rather to be ran by the CI.
ENV Variables:
- CACHIX_CACHE: Which cachix cache to search
- CACHIX_AUTH_TOKEN: The auth token for the cache
- FLAKE_PRE: Flake path prefix
- FLAKE_POST: Flake path postfix
Usage: Use mcl ci
Evaluates each package, and compares it to it's last cached version, creating a table listing which packages are cached, which aren't, and which failed.
ENV Variables:
- CACHIX_CACHE: Which cachix cache to search
- CACHIX_AUTH_TOKEN: The auth token for the cache
- FLAKE_PRE: Flake path prefix
- FLAKE_POST: Flake path postfix
Usage: mcl ci
Deploys machine specs to cachix.
Usage: mcl deploy_spec
ENV Variables:
- CACHIX_CACHE: Which cachix cache to search
- CACHIX_AUTH_TOKEN: The auth token for the cache
- [Optional] CACHIX_STORE_URL: URL for the cachix store
- [Optional] CACHIX_DEPLOY_WORKSPACE: Workspace for cachix deploy (defaults to CACHIX_CACHE if not set)
- MACHINE_NAME: Which machine to serach
- DEPLOYMENT_ID: Id of cachix deployment
Usage: mcl get_fstab
Returns system information, software (OS, Bios) and hardware (CPU, GPU, Ram, MB, Disks) as json.
Usage: mcl host_info
Create a starting nix configuration for target machine.
ENV Variables:
- SSH_PATH: SSH path of target machine
The remaining ENV variables are optional, and if missing will be prompted at runtime.
- USER_NAME: string
- MACHINE_NAME: string
- EXTRA_GROUPS: comma-delimited list of additional groups to add to the created user
- MACHINE_TYPE: enum (desktop, server, container)
- DISKS: comma-delimited list of device names (as per /dev) to add to the nix configuration
Usage: mcl machine_create
Splits the list of packages under checks
into n number of shards. Requires manual configuration using modules/shard-split. See this repo and nix-blockchain-development
ENV Variables:
- [Optional] GITHUB_OUTPUT: If set, exports results to GITHUB_INPUT env variable
Usage: mcl shard_matrix