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avaldebe committed Aug 19, 2016
1 parent dc36be5 commit 181250c
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Showing 88 changed files with 38,058 additions and 0 deletions.
3,952 changes: 3,952 additions & 0 deletions Advection_ml.f90

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210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions Aero_Rb_ml.f90
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@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
! <Aero_Rb_ml.f90 - A component of the EMEP MSC-W Unified Eulerian
! Chemical transport Model>
!* Copyright (C) 2007
!* Contact information:
!* Norwegian Meteorological Institute
!* Box 43 Blindern
!* 0313 OSLO
!* email:
!* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
!* (at your option) any later version.
!* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!* GNU General Public License for more details.
!* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!* along with this program. If not, see <>.
module Aero_DryDep_ml

! Calculates laminar sub-layer resistance (rb) and gravitational settling
! velocity (vs) for particles
! Finally: vd= vs+1/(ra+rb+ra*rb*vs), where
! vs - gravitational settling velocity,
! ra - aerodynamic resistance, rb - viscous sub-layer resistance,
! rc - surface resistance (assumed zero for particles)
use My_Aerosols_ml, only : NSIZE
use LandDefs_ml, only: LandType
use PhysicalConstants_ml , only : PI, GRAV, KARMAN, VISCO, BOLTZMANN, FREEPATH

implicit none

public :: Aero_Rb


! ===========================================================
subroutine Aero_Rb (ustar, conv, roa, v50, lu, & ! IN
snow, wetarea, tsK, & ! IN
vs, rb, rbw) ! OUT

! Calculates size dependent laminar layer resistance and gravitation
! settling for particles (presently only for (1)PM2.5 and (2)PM10 )
! rb - over dry surface (bounce-off for coarse PM)
! rbw - over wet surface (rain last 3 hours)
!----------------------------------------------------------- ------

! parameter (VISCO=1.46e-5, BOLTZ=1.381e-23 &
! ,FREEPATH=0.065e-6, DENSPART=2.2e3 )

integer, intent(in) :: lu, snow
real, intent(in) :: ustar, conv, roa, v50, tsK
real, intent(in) :: wetarea
real, intent(out) :: vs(NSIZE), rb(NSIZE) & ! over dry surface
, rbw(NSIZE) ! over wet surface

!== local
real, parameter, dimension(NSIZE) :: &
diam = (/ 0.3e-6, 4.0e-6 /) &
, sigma = (/ 1.8, 2.0 /) &
, PMdens = (/ 1600., 2200. /)
real, parameter :: AHAT = 1.e-3 !! charact. "radius" of grass blades, needlies etc.
integer :: imod
real :: stdlog,sig, dg, knut,slip, &
Di1,Di, vind, &
stoke, schmidt, & ! Stoke's and Schmidt numbers
vsmo, vs1, & ! Settling velocity
coleff, reb, convfac

real, save :: log10
logical, save :: my_first_call = .true.

if ( my_first_call ) then
log10 = log(10.0) !ds
my_first_call = .false.
end if


MODEloop: do imod = 1, NSIZE

stdlog = log(sigma(imod))
sig = stdlog * stdlog ! (log(STD))^2

!... mass median diameter -> geometric diameter

dg = exp (log(diam(imod)) - 3.* sig )

knut = 2.*FREEPATH/dg ! Knut's number
!... slip correction coefficient
! slipmo= 1.+ knut* & ! for monodisperse
! (1.257+0.4*exp(-1.1* /knut))
slip = 1.+ 1.246*knut ! for polydisperse

!== monodisperse aerosols =====
! Dimo =BOLTZMANN*tsK*slipmo/(3*PI*dg *VISCO*roa) ! diffusion coefficient
! vsmo =dg*dg *PMdens(imod) *GRAV*slipmo/(18.*VISCO*roa) ! gravitational settling

!== polydisperse aerosols (log-normal size distribution) =====
Di1 =BOLTZMANN*tsK/(3*PI*dg *VISCO *roa)
Di = Di1*(exp(-2.5*sig)+1.246*knut*exp(-4.*sig)) ! diffusion coefficient

vs1=dg*dg * PMdens(imod)*GRAV/18./VISCO/roa
vs(imod) = vs1*(exp(8.*sig)+1.246*knut*exp(3.5*sig)) ! gravitational settling

! -------------------------------------------------------------------

!// Stokes and Schmidt numbers:

! == monodisperse ======
! STmo=vsmo*ustar*ustar/VISCO/GRAV
! SCmo=VISCO/dimo
! == polydisperse ======
schmidt = VISCO/Di ! Schmidt number
stoke = vs(imod)*ustar*ustar/VISCO/GRAV ! Stoke number(based on depth
! of laminar layer)

!// collection efficiency =======================
! coleff=1./sc**(2./3.) + 1./10.**(3/stoke)

vind = max( 0.005, v50 ) ! wind at 50m height

if( LandType(lu)%is_water ) then !//=== WATER surface ( Slinn & Slinn, 1980 ) =

coleff= ustar / (KARMAN * vind) * & ! polydisperse
(exp(-0.5*log(schmidt)) + exp(-3./stoke*log10) )

elseif ( LandType(lu)%is_conif ) then !//=== CONIFEROUS ==============

stoke = vs(imod)*ustar/(AHAT*GRAV) ! vegetation (Slinn, 1982)
coleff= exp(-2./3.*log(schmidt)) + stoke/(1.+ stoke*stoke) ! Slinn

elseif ( LandType(lu)%is_veg ) then !//=== other VEGETATIVE surfaces ======

if ( snow > 0 .or. tsK <= 273.) then !... covered with snow or frozen

coleff= exp(-2./3.*log(schmidt)) + exp(-3./stoke*log10) ! polydisperse

else !... snowfree

stoke = vs(imod)*ustar/(AHAT*GRAV) ! Stoke for vegetation (Slinn, 1982)
coleff= exp(-2./3.*log(schmidt)) + stoke/(1.+ stoke*stoke) ! Slinn

else !//==== urban/desert/ice always ===============================
!.. Slinn at al(1978), Seinfeld(1997), Binkowski

coleff= exp(-2./3.*log(schmidt)) + exp(-3./stoke*log10) ! polydisperse


! .. laminar layer resistance .....................................
! rb= 1./ustar/colef ! Seinfeld
! rb= 0.4*vind/(ustar*ustar*colef) ! Slinn

!// == bounce-off for coarse particles (Slinn, 1982) ===============
!... for fine aerosol

reb = 1.

!... for coarse aerosol

if(imod == NSIZE ) then

if( .not. (LandType(lu)%is_water .and. wetarea == 0.0)) & ! not on water/wet surface

reb = max (1.e-7, exp(-2. * sqrt(stoke)))

!//== enhanced dry.dep under convective conditions (Wesely at al,1985) ====

convfac = 0.

! only for (low) vegetation

if (LandType(lu)%is_veg .and. snow == 0) convfac = conv

!// == sub-laminar layer resistance ====================

rb (imod) = 1. /(ustar*(1.+ 0.24 *convfac)) /(coleff*reb)
rbw (imod) = 1. /(ustar*(1.+ 0.24 *convfac)) /coleff ! no bounce-off on
! wet surfaces

!..monodisperse: rb1= 1./(ustar*(1. + 0.24 * conv))/(colef1*reb)

end do MODEloop

end subroutine Aero_Rb
! =================================================================

end module Aero_DryDep_ml


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