released this
17 Sep 09:32
New features:
Variables are referenced by their NetCDF variable name
Adds cmake compilation
Adds -c oi to perform optimal interpolation
Gradient downscaler can use temperature at model levels (instead of T2m)
when computing gradient
Adds coastal regression in -d gradient
Adds -c coastal, a bias-correction scheme that weights land and sea
tempatures from a neighbourhood
Variable names can be overridden by passing in a variable map file
Backwards-incompatible changes:
Gradient downscaler options are different. Use -d gradientOld to get
previous behaviour.
Parameter text files must contain header
Parameter files are specified differently: -p type=
The command-line interface to this version has changed significantly.
Names as they appear in the file are used to identify variables. I.e.
use -v air_temperture_2m instead of -v T.
-c diagnose replaced by -c diagnoseHumidity and -c diagnoseWind
You can’t perform that action at this time.