This repo contains material about the following course:
Name: Fondamenti matematici per l'Informatica
Teacher: prof. Riccardo Ghiloni
Course: Informatica (Bachelor)
University: Trento
You can find the following material in the repo:
- exercises-merged/ - This folder contains exercises for the exam, divided into 5 different files: Principle of Induction, Chinese Remainder's theorem, RSA decryption, Isomorphism in graphs, Graph score analysis. All of them were taken from past exams.
- theorem-compendium/theorem-compendium.tex - a TeX document (with its relative PDF) containing demonstrations required at the exam.
- exercises-compendium/exercises-compendium.tex - a work in progress TeX document containing exercises found in the Esercizi/ folder.
Feel free to contribute by forking the project and issuing a pull request. Any contribution to the TeX documents are more than welcome.
- Matteo Franzil - Initial work - mfranzil
Main revisors and contributors of the project:
- Paolo Baiguera
- Nicolò Gottardello (GottaSr)
- Simone Nascivera (SimoneNascivera)
- Giacomo Fabris (gik98)
- Alessia Marcolini (alessiamarcolini)