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This repository comprises Jupyter Notebooks that serve as supplementary material to the journal article titled "Review of Multifidelity Models." The notebooks contain Python-based implementations that demonstrate toy problems in the multifidelity domain.


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The repository, titled ReviewOfMultiFidelityModels_ToyProblems, serves as an invaluable supplement to the academic journal article "Review of Multifidelity Models." Designed as a comprehensive collection of Jupyter Notebooks, the repository aims to present a tangible and easily understandable demonstration of multifidelity models. These models are showcased through a series of Python-based toy problems, thus facilitating a deeper understanding of the article's theoretical concepts. The repository contributes to the broader scientific understanding of multifidelity approaches by providing hands-on, executable examples.

Multi-Fidelity Modeling Toy Problem 1: Additive and Multiplicative Corrections

This code provides a demonstration of multi-fidelity modeling techniques for refining low-fidelity (LF) models using high-fidelity (HF) data through additive and multiplicative corrections. The example uses one-dimensional analytic functions to illustrate these concepts and includes plotting for visualization.

Code Structure

The code is organized into two main classes: AddMultCorrPlotter and AddMultCorrModels.

AddMultCorrPlotter Class

This class is responsible for plotting LF, HF, and correction models.


  • func_HF(x): High-Fidelity function definition.
  • func_LF(x): Low-Fidelity function definition.
  • plot_functions(): Plots LF and HF functions.
  • x: X-axis values for plotting LF and HF functions.

AddMultCorrModels Class

This class handles the modeling and plotting of additive and multiplicative corrections.


  • polynomial_fit(x, y, deg=2): Fits a polynomial model to data.
  • func_add(x): Computes the additive correction function.
  • func_mult(x): Computes the multiplicative correction function.
  • plot_additive_correction(): Plots the additive correction.
  • plot_multiplicative_correction(): Plots the multiplicative correction.
  • plot_combined_corrections(): Plots combined corrections.


  1. Instantiate the AddMultCorrPlotter class to define LF and HF functions and plot them.
  2. Instantiate the AddMultCorrModels class, passing the AddMultCorrPlotter instance.
  3. Use the methods in the AddMultCorrModels class to plot additive and multiplicative corrections as needed.


if __name__ == "__main__":
    plotter = AddMultCorrPlotter()
    models = AddMultCorrModels(plotter)
    plt.figure(figsize=[5, 3])
    plt.figure(figsize=[5, 3])
    plt.figure(figsize=[5, 3.5])

Multi-Fidelity Modeling Toy Problem 2: Comprehensive Correction


The presented code is a Python implementation designed to visualize High-Fidelity (HF) and Low-Fidelity (LF) functions and to conduct sensitivity analysis. The code leverages the Matplotlib and NumPy libraries for plotting and numerical operations, respectively. It encapsulates functionality into three classes: FunctionVisualizer, ComprehensiveFunctionVisualizer, and SensitivityAnalysis.

FunctionVisualizer Class


  • lb: Lower bound of the domain for function visualization.
  • ub: Upper bound of the domain for function visualization.
  • x: NumPy array containing equidistant points within [lb, ub] at which function evaluations are carried out.


  • __init__(lb, ub): Initializes an object with specified lower and upper bounds for the domain.
  • func_HF(x): Evaluates the High-Fidelity function (HF) at a given point ( x ).
  • func_LF(x): Evaluates the Low-Fidelity function (LF) at a given point ( x ).
  • visualize(): Generates a plot of both HF and LF functions within the specified domain.

ComprehensiveFunctionVisualizer Class


  • x_sampHF: NumPy array representing the points at which the HF function is sampled.


  • Inherits all methods from FunctionVisualizer.
  • func_X(x): Transforms the input ( x ) into a design matrix ( X ) by considering additional features.
  • func_coef(X, Y, W=1): Computes the model coefficients using weighted least squares.
  • func_comprehensive(x): Constructs a comprehensive model by combining HF and LF information.
  • visualize_comprehensive(): Generates a plot incorporating HF, LF, and the comprehensive model along with HF sampling points.

SensitivityAnalysis Class


  • coef: Dictionary containing coefficients 'A', 'B', and 'C' for LF function adjustments.


  • Inherits the relevant methods for HF and LF functions, comprehensive model, and weighted least squares from previous classes.
  • plot_sensitivity(x, x_sampHF, coef_key, coef_val_range, plot_title): Generates sensitivity plots to analyze the impact of changing individual coefficients within specified ranges.

Example Usage

Function Visualization

visualizer = FunctionVisualizer(0, 1)

Comprehensive Modeling

visualizer = ComprehensiveFunctionVisualizer(0, 1, np.array([0.1, 0.5, 0.9]))

Sensitivity Analysis

x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
x_sampHF = np.array([0.1, 0.5, 0.9])
sensitivity = SensitivityAnalysis()
sensitivity.plot_sensitivity(x, x_sampHF, 'A', np.linspace(-1.3, 2.7, 10), 'A_Sensitivity')

Multi-Fidelity Modeling Toy Problem 3: MultiFidelityModel Class Documentation


The MultiFidelityModel class encapsulates the functionality for generating a Multi-Fidelity Surrogate Model (MFSM). It aims to synergize high-fidelity model (HFM) and low-fidelity model (LFM) data to create a more accurate and computationally efficient model.


  • matplotlib.pyplot: Used for plotting.
  • numpy: For numerical operations.
  • sklearn.svm.SVR: For Support Vector Regression.
  • sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestRegressor: For Random Forest Regression.

Class Attributes

  • x: Numpy array consisting of 100 points linearly spaced between 0 and 1.
  • nLF: Integer, number of LFM samples.
  • nHF: Integer, number of HFM samples.
  • svr: Object of class SVR, used for the Support Vector Regression model.
  • rf: Object of class RandomForestRegressor, used for the Random Forest model.


__init__(self, x, nLF, nHF)

Initializes class instance variables.

  • Parameters:
    • nLF: Number of Low-Fidelity Model samples.
    • nHF: Number of High-Fidelity Model samples.


Static method representing the high-fidelity function.

  • Parameters:
    • x: Input variable values (Numpy ndarray).
  • Returns:
    • Output response values (Numpy ndarray).


Static method representing the low-fidelity function.

  • Parameters:
    • x: Input variable values (Numpy ndarray).
  • Returns:
    • Output response values (Numpy ndarray).


Generates random sampling points for LFM and HFM and calculates corresponding function values.


Fits the SVR model to approximate the discrepancy between HFM and LFM.


Fits the Random Forest model to the low-fidelity data, thus building the Low-Fidelity Surrogate Model (LFSM).

y_MFSM_A(self, x)

Calculates the integrated surrogate model using Option A.

  • Parameters:
    • x: Input variable values (Numpy ndarray).
  • Returns:
    • Output response values (Numpy ndarray).

y_MFSM_B(self, x)

Calculates the integrated surrogate model using Option B.

  • Parameters:
    • x: Input variable values (Numpy ndarray).
  • Returns:
    • Output response values (Numpy ndarray).


Generates a plot to visualize the actual LFM, HFM, and MFSM estimates. The plot also displays the discrepancy between the models.

Example Usage

if __name__ == "__main__":
    model = MultiFidelityModel(x=1000, nLF=200, nHF=20)

Multi-Fidelity Modeling Toy Problem 4: Multi-Fidelity Analysis Using Co-Kriging


The MultiFidelityAnalysis class is an encapsulation for performing multi-fidelity analysis via Co-Kriging (CoKG). The class provides methods to fit a CoKG model, make predictions, and visualize the Low-Fidelity (LF) and High-Fidelity (HF) models alongside CoKG predictions.


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • NumPy
  • Matplotlib
  • OpenMDAO


pip install numpy matplotlib openmdao

Class Methods and Attributes

__init__(self, lb=0, ub=1)

Initializes the MultiFidelityAnalysis object.


  • lb: Lower bound of the variable space (default is 0).
  • ub: Upper bound of the variable space (default is 1).


High-Fidelity (HF) model as a function of x.


  • HF model response.


Low-Fidelity (LF) model as a function of x.


  • LF model response.

fit_coKG(self, Xe, Xc)

Fits the CoKG model with HF and LF data.


  • Xe: Points where the HF model is evaluated.
  • Xc: Points where the LF model is evaluated.


Predicts the CoKG model response over the generated points.


  • Tuple containing predicted response and standard deviation.

plot_models(self, fHF, fLF, Xe, Xc, f_pred)

Plots the LF, HF, and CoKG models with their sampling points.


  • fHF, fLF: Responses from HF and LF models.
  • Xe, Xc: Sampling points for HF and LF models.
  • f_pred: CoKG predictions.

Usage Example

MFA = MultiFidelityAnalysis()
Xe = np.array([[0.2], [0.4], [0.85]])
Xc = np.vstack((np.array([[0.1], [0.25], [0.3], [0.5], [0.6], [0.7], [0.8], [0.9]]), Xe))
MFA.fit_coKG(Xe, Xc)
f_pred = MFA.predict_coKG()
MFA.plot_models(fHF, fLF, Xe, Xc, f_pred)

For further inquiries or contributions, feel free to reach out.


M. Giselle Fernández-Giselle,


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

This example initializes a MultiFidelityModel with 200 LFM samples and 20 HFM samples. Subsequently, it generates data, fits the SVR and RF models, and plots the outcomes.

Multi-Fidelity Modeling Toy Problem 5: Multi-Fidelity Forrester Function

This Python class encapsulates the functionalities related to the multi-fidelity Forrester function. It provides methods for function evaluation, plotting, and model training.

Class Definition


A class for encapsulating the functionalities related to the multi-fidelity Forrester function.


__init__(self, lb=0, ub=1, num_points=100)

Initializes the class with default lower and upper bounds and the number of points.

  • Parameters:
    • lb (float): Lower bound for function evaluation
    • ub (float): Upper bound for function evaluation
    • num_points (int): Number of linearly spaced points
func_HF(self, x)

Calculates the high-fidelity function ( f_{\text{HF}}(x) ).

  • Parameters:
    • x (float): Input value
  • Returns:
    • float: ( f_{\text{HF}}(x) ) value
func_LF(self, x)

Calculates the low-fidelity function ( f_{\text{LF}}(x) ).

  • Parameters:
    • x (float): Input value
  • Returns:
    • float: ( f_{\text{LF}}(x) ) value

Plots both the high-fidelity and low-fidelity functions. Saves the plot as a high-resolution PNG file.

Example Usage

# Instantiate the class and plot the functions
if __name__ == '__main__':
    mf_forrester = MultiFidelityForrester()

This documentation is intended to provide a clear and concise understanding of the MultiFidelityForrester class, its attributes, and its methods. The script also contains a test condition to instantiate the class and visualize the functions if it is the main program being run.

For a more extensive understanding of the algorithms used, refer to the in-line comments within the class methods.

Certainly. Below is the Markdown-based documentation of the Python classes you provided, each detailing their purpose, methods, and example usage.

Branin Function Documentation

BraninFunctionPlot Class


The BraninFunctionPlot class serves the purpose of plotting High-Fidelity (HF) and Low-Fidelity (LF) Branin functions.



Initializes Branin function parameters.

func_HF(self, x, y)

Computes the HF function based on the Branin function.

  • Parameters:
    • x (float): The x-coordinate
    • y (float): The y-coordinate
  • Returns:
    • float: The value of HF function

func_LF(self, x, y)

Computes the LF function derived from the HF function.

  • Parameters:
    • x (float): The x-coordinate
    • y (float): The y-coordinate
  • Returns:
    • float: The value of LF function


Generates and saves plots for both HF and LF functions.

BraninFunctionModeling Class


The BraninFunctionModeling class focuses on fitting additive and multiplicative models to HF and LF functions.



Initializes the polynomial features and linear regression models.

func_HF(self, x, y)

Computes the HF function based on the Branin function.

func_LF(self, x, y)

Computes the LF function derived from the HF function.

fit_models(self, X_sampHF)

Fits additive and multiplicative models based on sampled points from the HF function.

  • Parameters:
    • X_sampHF (array): The sampled points from the HF function.


Generates plots for the additive and multiplicative models along with their Mean Absolute Percentage Errors (MAPE).

BraninScatterPlot Class


The BraninScatterPlot class plots scatter plots of HF and LF functions.


__init__(self, x_sampHF, y_sampHF)

Initializes with the sampled points for the HF model.

  • Parameters:
    • x_sampHF (array): The x-coordinates for the sampled points
    • y_sampHF (array): The y-coordinates for the sampled points

func_HF(self, x, y)

Computes the HF function based on the Branin function.

func_LF(self, x, y)

Computes the LF function derived from the HF function.


Generates scatter plots for LF and HF models with varying sizes based on the HF/LF ratio.

Example Usage

# For BraninFunctionPlot
branin_plotter = BraninFunctionPlot()

# For BraninFunctionModeling
model = BraninFunctionModeling()

# For BraninScatterPlot
plotter = BraninScatterPlot(x_sampHF, y_sampHF)

This documentation aims to offer a precise yet comprehensive understanding of the functionalities each class provides. For more nuanced details, consult the in-line comments within the class methods.


This repository comprises Jupyter Notebooks that serve as supplementary material to the journal article titled "Review of Multifidelity Models." The notebooks contain Python-based implementations that demonstrate toy problems in the multifidelity domain.








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