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Python Bulk Ergo NFT minter

This program will allow users to easily mint NFTs on the Ergo Blockchain in bulk!
This uses Ergo Node API methods.


  • Have python installed on system
  • Have pip installed on system
  • Have an IDE to work with
    • Pycharm is recommended
    • Community edition works fine
  • Have an ergo node running with access to its wallet
    • This is where you send and receive transaction from
  • Have links to images
  • Have a metadata file

Minting Program Setup

  • Either download zip or git clone
  • Open extracted file in IDE
  • Navigate to the .env file and add your node configurations
    • For example
  • Navigate to and fill in the following:
    • imageFolderPath
      • This specifies the location of where the folder for images are
      • This is required to calculate the hash
    • metadataPath
      • This specifies the location of the metadata file
      • This is required to get the name, link, and description of the NFT
    • numOfImages
      • This specifies the total amount of NFT images there are in your image folder
      • This is required to calculate the hash
    • amountToMint
      • This specifies the amount of NFTs that will be minted
      • NFTs can be minted all at once or a couple at a time due to this
    • numOfLastNFTminted
      • This specifies the last NFT minted
      • This is especially important if NFTs are minted in short intervals
      • For example if you have ten NFTs to mint and six are already minted then this would be set to six
      • The program will also tell what to set this variable to once minting is complete
      • This is important as it lets the program keep track of which NFTs are already minted
    • For example
      imageFolderPath = r"C:\Users\ergonaut\NFT\test-nfts\build\images"
      metadataPath = r"C:\Users\ergonaut\NFT\test-nfts\build\json\metadata.json"
      numOfImages = 50
      amountToMint = 2
      numOfLastNFTminted = 0
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run python
    • Transaction IDs are saved in txid.json
    • Each time the program is run this will get overwritten

Token Burner Program Setup

There is a token buring program included. This will permanently destroy tokens. Use with caution!
NFTs and tokens are the same thing.

  • Configure the .env as shown in the prior steps
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt (if you haven't already)
  • Run python
    • This gets ALL the tokens from the node wallet
  • Clear entires from tokenid.json as necessary
  • Run python
    • The first program to execute will get ALL tokens from your node wallet
    • Any token included in tokenid.json will be burned
    • Transaction IDs will be stored in burntxs.json this gets overwritten each time the program is run
  • Run python
    • This clears everything from tokenid.json to start fresh

How to upload images to IPFS

It is important that image links are ready before minting with this program. Images can be stored on a server but the best practice is to store it on a decentralized platform such as IPFS.

Images can be uploaded to IPFS by running you own node and supporting its network. Another method is by using a
pining service such as The latter will be demonstrated.

  • Make an account with pinata
  • Upload the entire folder containing only images of the NFTs
  • The naming convention for these images is important
  • Make sure they are sequential
    • The first image would be 1.png then 2.png and so on
  • After upload pinata will give a hash (CID) of the folder
    • For example this is the CID of a folder with images QmZcHTFTpRS1NezMVQxvxagxQygvWPegj284cmA89nPxEQ
    • This link uses a gateway which allows browsers without IPFS support to visit it
    • To visit the first image the link would be
    • The second image would be and so on
    • Notice how the CID always stays the same
    • The link that should be used for the metadata is ipfs://QmZcHTFTpRS1NezMVQxvxagxQygvWPegj284cmA89nPxEQ
      • Notice the gateway is not there
    • Although this CID works fine it is not the most recent standard. This step is completely optional but it is always recommended to use the most recent version
      • The Qm CID is the older version
      • The bafy CID is the recent version
      • To convert Qm to bafy go to
      • Then paste the Qm hash in the input box
      • Below the newer bafy CID will be available
      • For example the CID QmZcHTFTpRS1NezMVQxvxagxQygvWPegj284cmA89nPxEQ would be converted to bafybeifhohije2niwm6awfmhpgthp4ytn3saot4dclzvkgr7ixi2mjtgiu
      • Use the bafy CID from now on. The image metadata would be ipfs://bafybeifhohije2niwm6awfmhpgthp4ytn3saot4dclzvkgr7ixi2mjtgiu

Metadata File

The metadata file is import as it contains all the information that the program will pull from. Below is an example of
what the file should look like.

    "name": "Test NFT #1",
    "description": "Test NFT please ignore me",
    "image": "ipfs://bafybeifhohije2niwm6awfmhpgthp4ytn3saot4dclzvkgr7ixi2mjtgiu/1.png",
    "dna": "fd00cb316d22e89557b63a4ce3101d6ae29e191a",
    "edition": 1,
    "attributes": [
      " Background Black",
      " Eyeball Red",
      " Eye Color Cyan",
      " Iris Small",
      " Shiny Yes",
      " Lid Middle",
      " Top Lid High"
    "name": "Test NFT #2",
    "description": "Test NFT please ignore me",
    "image": "ipfs://bafybeifhohije2niwm6awfmhpgthp4ytn3saot4dclzvkgr7ixi2mjtgiu/2.png",
    "dna": "375b19882207577b50d17a6a9eafcab276abf181",
    "edition": 2,
    "attributes": [
      " Background Black",
      " Eyeball White",
      " Eye Color Yellow",
      " Iris Large",
      " Shiny Yes",
      " Lid High",
      " Top Lid High"
    "name": "Test NFT #3",
    "description": "Test NFT please ignore me",
    "image": "ipfs://bafybeifhohije2niwm6awfmhpgthp4ytn3saot4dclzvkgr7ixi2mjtgiu/3.png",
    "dna": "16cfe12b7f7de2a0f17ac61a00725354d32b53aa",
    "edition": 3,
    "attributes": [
      " Background Black",
      " Eyeball White",
      " Eye Color Green",
      " Iris Small",
      " Shiny Yes",
      " Lid Low",
      " Top Lid Middle"
    "name": "Test NFT #4",
    "description": "Test NFT please ignore me",
    "image": "ipfs://bafybeifhohije2niwm6awfmhpgthp4ytn3saot4dclzvkgr7ixi2mjtgiu/4.png",
    "dna": "817731a672218f9f500ca7454776da55746224de",
    "edition": 4,
    "attributes": [
      " Background Black",
      " Eyeball Red",
      " Eye Color Green",
      " Iris Small",
      " Shiny Yes",
      " Lid Low",
      " Top Lid Middle"
    "name": "Test NFT #5",
    "description": "Test NFT please ignore me",
    "image": "ipfs://bafybeifhohije2niwm6awfmhpgthp4ytn3saot4dclzvkgr7ixi2mjtgiu/5.png",
    "dna": "b0e64e427776f8f5b0abc641b8d1053ceaf4429a",
    "edition": 5,
    "attributes": [
      " Background Black",
      " Eyeball White",
      " Eye Color Yellow",
      " Iris Small",
      " Shiny Yes",
      " Lid Low",
      " Top Lid Low"
  • The name, description, and image entries are required
  • Pay careful attension to brackets and commas

Future updates

  • Intergration with appkit so a node won't be required. Although the program may need to use another programming language
  • Perhaps a method of calculating the sha256 hash without having the image folder locally


Repository for the ergo NFT bulk minter






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