- API to add shipment https://app.shiparon.tn/api/maparatunisie-ED542HG6JD4458CB5456/documentation/documentation.php
- API to check shipment status https://app.shiparon.tn/api/maparatunisie-etat-ED542HG6JD4458CB5456/documentation/documentation.php
=== Shiparon === Contributors: Montassar Hazgui Tags: woocommerce, shipping, api Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.8 Stable tag: trunk Requires PHP: 7.4 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
Shiparon automates the shipping label creation. In one click your shipments are sent directly to the shipper, , a label is generated, and your tracking informations are available directly from the woo-commerce backend.
== Description ==
Are you tired of the tedious, time-consuming process of managing shipping labels and tracking information for your WooCommerce store? Shiparon streamlines the entire shipping process with a single click. Get back to doing what you love—running your business!
Features Efficiency: Eliminate manual errors and speed up your shipping process.
Integrated Tracking: View and manage all your shipping information directly from your WooCommerce backend.
Label Automation: Generate shipping labels instantly and say goodbye to copy-pasting addresses.
How it Works Select Shipments: Choose the orders you're ready to ship within your WooCommerce backend. One-Click Shipping: Click the "Ship Now" button. All Set: Your shipping labels are generated, and tracking information is updated automatically.
And many more! https://shiparon.com/wordpress-plugin/
== Installation ==
== Installation ==
Go to Plugins > “Add New”.
Download the Shiparon plugin from Wordpress repository and Click "Install Now" to install the Plugin. A popup window will ask you to confirm your wish to install the Plugin. = Note: = If this is the first time you've installed a WordPress Plugin, you may need to enter the FTP login credential information. If you've installed a Plugin before, it will still have the login information. This information is available through your web server host.
Click “Proceed” to continue the installation. The resulting installation screen will list the installation as successful or note any problems during the install.
If successful, click "Activate Plugin" to activate it, or “Return to Plugin Installer” for further actions.
Insert your API key from your carier account.
You are ready to go!
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Is Shiparon Compatible with Multiple Shipping Companies? =
Yes, our plugin seamlessly integrates with a variety of shipping companies.
= How Quick is the Setup Process? =
Get up and running in less than 10 minutes.
== Screenshots ==
- This screen shot description corresponds to screenshot-1.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif).
- This is the second screen shot
== Changelog ==
== Upgrade Notice ==
- 1.0.0: New plugin released