👋 Hi, I’m @mhollink (Marcel Hollink). I am a Fullstack developer located in The Netherlands. I am currently working @Quintor in The Hague. I work with languages like Java & Kotlin in Spring backend application and have quite the toolbelt when it comes to Javascript/Typescript (NodeJS). My preferred stack contains a React frontend (with types), a Spring boot backend written in Kotlin and either Mongo or Postgres for storage (depending on needs).
👀 I’m interested in anything frontend. I am always looking to improve my skills on both frontend development as well as making the interactions between my frontends and backend go as smoothly as possible. My aim on frontends is to always create the best UX possible. Applications that lack user experience will eventually see users leave, which is something you and I should aim to avoid.
I am deeply passioned about creating maintable code which is readable and updatable. Which means testability of code should be prio #1.
I have a second GitHub account which contains some old school projects & assignments: @MHHollink