##Getting Started
- Fork this repository
- Clone this repository from your personal Github account:
- Copy the HTTPS or SSH address on the page.
- Run the command
$ git clone [SSH or HTTP address]
in your terminal to clone this repository into your DevLeague folder in your computer (you don't need to type the "$"; this is the command prompt, and is used to signify your terminal is ready for commands).
- From your terminal navigate to your DevLeague folder and into the js-arrayMethods assignment:
$ cd DevLeague
$ ls
cd js-arrayMethods
- Open the js-arrayMethods assignment in sublime and write your code in the
file. - Run node in your terminal to test your code:
$ cd js-arrayMethods
node exercise.js
(don't forget to console.log your work)
##Some Helpful Resources:
- W3 Schools Array methods: http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_array_methods.asp
- W3 Schools Array reference: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_obj_array.asp
- Mozilla Developer Network Arrays: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array
- Devdocs Javascript arrays: http://devdocs.io/javascript-array/