The motivation lies since many early work in machine learning and computer vision were focused on building specific features but has been faded away since deep learning methods shows a fantastic increase of performance. Yet systems using deep learning methods have become treated more and more as black box, in such, we lost in explanability of the components while favoring a general performance score. With this toolbox, I hope to leverage the power and scalability of common deep learning framework such as TensorFlow to implement basic theoretical component of our visual system and allow to merge/combine these components with state of the art architecture and study more in depth their implication.
This repository contains so far three physiologically inspired models, an early V1 system that aims to compute a saliency map, a second model for the recognition of body interaction and finally a model that explain tuning for facial identity.
The toolbox is currently aiming at building models to represent how the brain perceive dynamic facial expressions. The reason lies as many dataset are available to train model on faces, which can be compared with many psychological and behavioral studies.
Moreover, this repository contain many useful implementation of different paper to help build, generate and visualize activation at different level of the models.
In this repository, you will find: as a TensorFlow layer following the description of the book (, L., & Li, Z. (2014). Understanding vision: theory, models, and data. Oxford University Press, USA.
See reports: "BottomUpSaliency_layer" for main results on this part.
(, M. A., & Leopold, D. A. (2005). Physiologically inspired neural model for the encoding of face spaces. Neurocomputing, 65, 93-101
as explain in the methods of (, M., Taubert, N., Azizpour, T., Siebert, R., Spadacenta, S., Dicke, P., ... & Giese, M. A. (2020, September). Physiologically-Inspired Neural Circuits for the Recognition of Dynamic Faces. In International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (pp. 168-179). Springer, Cham.
Raman, R., & Hosoya, H. (2020). Convolutional neural networks explain tuning properties of anterior, but not middle, face-processing areas in macaque inferotemporal cortex. Communications biology, 3(1), 1-14.
See reports: "Face_units" and "ShapeAppearance_units" for main results.
which is a derivation of the work from (, B., Oliva, A., & Torralba, A. (2018). Network Dissection: Quantifying Interpretability of Deep Visual Representation.
See reports: "FaceParts_Semantic_Units".
Where I implemented the score for segmentation concept as a data-set-wide intersection over union (IoU) for 12 facial concepts, where I have manually segmented (on going work) the facial parts on the FEI dataset (frontal pose).
An implementation of the paper:
Luo, Yuan and Wu, Cai-ming and Zhang, Yi (2013)
See jupyter notebook in tests.SVM.t03_SVM_LBP_BVS.ipynb
I would like to thanks Prof. Zhaoping Li for her very valuable inputs on her model and the very interesting discussion about what it means to have a V1 area responsible to compute a bottom-up saliency map.I am also thankful to Rajani Raman and Haruo Hosoya for their fruitful answers to my questions and to have accepted to share their data with me.