Versions of bcoin that are currently supported with security updates:
Version | Supported |
2.0.0+ | ✅ |
2.0.0-dev | ❌ |
1.0.0+ | ❌ |
< 1.0.0-beta | ❌ |
To report security issues send an email to (not for support).
The following keys may be used to communicate sensitive information to developers:
Name | Fingerprint | |
Braydon Fuller | 5B7D C58D 90FE C1E9 90A3 10BA F24F 232D 108B 3AD4 | |
Christopher Jeffrey | B4B1 F62D BAC0 84E3 33F3 A04A 8962 AB9D E666 6BBD | |
Matthew Zipkin | E617 73CD 6E01 040E 2F1B D78C E7E2 984B 6289 C93A | |
Nodari Chkuaselidze | D2B2 828B D293 74D5 E9BA 3E52 CCE6 77B0 5CC0 FE23 | |
You can import a key by running the following command with that individual’s fingerprint:
$ gpg --recv-keys "<fingerprint>"
Ensure that you put quotes around fingerprints containing spaces.
To import the full set:
gpg --recv-keys "5B7DC58D90FEC1E990A310BAF24F232D108B3AD4"
gpg --recv-keys "B4B1F62DBAC084E333F3A04A8962AB9DE6666BBD"
gpg --recv-keys "E61773CD6E01040E2F1BD78CE7E2984B6289C93A"
gpg --recv-keys "D2B2828BD29374D5E9BA3E52CCE677B05CC0FE23"