Files and code for a Python 1 hands-on session at NICAR18 in Chicago
Open a Jupyter notebook file (link to download)
- Remember - hit Shift-Enter to run a cell!
Overview of why this is a good language to learn on, how it may be different from others
- Reliance on indentation
- Loose vs. strict typing
- Lots of built in functions and modules that can be imported
- (Show XKCD comic here:
- Do basic math
- Print out some text
- Integrate result in a sentence
- Print it out
Data types
- Variables
- Numbers
- Strings
- Important functions:
- Slice (use numeric indices, -1 counts from end)
- Lower/upper
- Strip
- Startswith
- Find - look for a string within a string
- Important functions:
- Booleans
- Lists
- Join function
- Dictionaries
- Demonstrate sample with a list like ["dog", "cat"]
- Take our data file and load each row individually, to show what looping is
- Why do we use comments?
- How do we add them to a file?
Importing modules
- Load a sample module
- Where do we load it?
- What name do we use when referring to it?
- What's the difference between targeting a library and a module? (ex: from x import y)
- import datetime oTime = print oTime.isoformat()
Pip (to gain access to more modules)
- explain how some modules built in/some can be pulled down
- walk through online directory of what modules exist
- pull one down - like pip install pandas
Start use of Pandas to load and manipulate file
- find current directory with os.getcwd()
- We will use this file:
- import pandas as pd
- input = pd.read_csv(PATH_TO_SEX_OFFENDERS_DATABASE);
- #row
- input.iloc[1]
- #column
- input['TOTAL CASES']
- #row and column
- input.iloc[3]['TOTAL CASES']