A simple Spaceship Invader game with 3 levels and a Big Boss level, with different challenges per level. The player needs to defeat the Big Boss at the last level in order to win the game.
Language: C with Allegro
Make sure to have Allegro5 installed to your IDE.
Allegro setup reference for Visual Studio: https://youtu.be/ETcUmU2tpvg
After setting up, unzip both space-shooter and features-support folder, copy all files inside the features-support folder into the space-shooter folder, and finally you are good to run the program on Visual Studio.
Users are allowed to select the desired background music and a plane.
Basic information about enemies' strengths and bullets' functionalities.
The Game
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Big Boss Level
Game Over
Win Scene
Lose Scene
Press keyboard:
1 = Big Boss Level
2 = 3rd Level
3 = 2nd Level
5 = Win Scene