[<img src="https://play.google.com/intl/en_us/badges/images/generic/en_badge_web_generic.png"
alt="Download from Google Play"
Zoo for Zotero is an Android application for viewing zotero libraries.
Material Design
Support for organization via Collections, including subcollections
Supports two way syncing of attachments for (including WebDav)
Support for viewing group libraries
Supports the creating, editing and deleting Zotero's notes
Flexible searching of your library
Written in Kotlin using the MVP design pattern for a fast native experience
Currently readonly, but have plans allow for editing in the future
Support for the Zotero Account Sync service
And more, the full list can be found in the app.gradle.
Instructions for using Syncthing
Any contributions, whether it be pull requests or even suggestions are welcome!
I am kind of busy but I will get to it!
Provide your own Zotero api key/secret in the apikeys.properties file.
Provide your own google services api (otherwise replace firebase with a stubs library)
The application is released fully under GPLv3
This application is 100% Free with no ads!
We utilise graphical resources directly from the desktop zotero client.
- Michael Johnston michael.johnston29@gmail.com
This is a third party zotero client and is not affiliated with Zotero.